
Luxury Accommodations


The Hallows
Lady of Cinder

Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

6 Years

How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Ooh La LaSamhain 2022LegendaryPride - DemisexualTeacher
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3VengeanceCritical Fail!Ice Bridge Explorer1K
06-27-2022, 12:21 AM
As Briar waited for one of them to kick off this adventure she was attempting to allow herself to enjoy, her fiancé thankfully tossed her a lifeline of sorts in the form of his paw catching her chin and guiding her lips to his in a kiss that was wonderfully familiar in this otherwise unknown scenario. At first it was hard to relax into the kiss when she knew Manea and Alastor were right there watching their every move, but after a moment or two she was able to focus in on what she knew with Artorias and returned his passionate kiss. She knew what to expect from a wine drunk Art and how a bit of drink could easily bring his lusts to the surface so it was really no surprise that he was eager and willing to dive right into things. She was thankful for it because it allowed her to follow his lead, murring quietly into his mouth as she savored the feeling of his lips on hers and tongues finding one another in a familiar dance. It rekindled the low, simmering fire of desire in her core, slowly eating away at her nerves and reservations the longer their kiss continued.

Artorias did eventually pull away from her lips and when she blinked open her eyes to let her gaze find his once more she was breathing more heavily as well and she was able to return his grin. She was still slightly self conscious under the watchful gaze of the other couple, but as always Artorias was able to calm her in a way no one else could. Art moved away to head toward the bed, but before she could move to follow him she was caught off guard by the feeling of another's side against hers and her turquoise gaze quickly turned up toward Manea as she brushed passed, the nervous flutters in her stomach flying out of control as she met Manea's aqua eyes and saw the heavy lidded, sultry, hungry look she was being given by the taller woman. At Manea's insistence and encouragement, she followed the violet woman onto the bed, hopping up after her and hovering somewhere between Manea and Artorias for a brief moment. It would have been easier if she had laid down closer to Artorias, leaning into what was comfortable and familiar, but Manea made it fairly clear that her invitation wasn't so much of a choice as a direction as a large, leonine paw curled around her foreleg and gently pulled her closer. Briar relented, settling onto her stomach next to Manea and immediately feeling the larger woman's side pressed into hers.

At first she almost missed the way Alastor had hopped up and immediately wound himself around Artorias with the way that Manea's paw was stroking along her foreleg and sending delicate shivers across her skin. She glanced over at Manea, catching her gaze before she felt the Elysium alpha's nose against her cheek, the gentle affections far slower and more thoughtful than she was initially expecting. When she glanced over to the men and saw the way that Alastor was eagerly feeling up her fiancé her face flushed hot and her ears flicked, but she saw the level of sexual advancement that she had been expecting from the overtly physical couple. She quickly realized that Manea was holding back for her benefit as she was questioned about what she was afraid of and she felt a mixture of appreciation and embarrassment at the realization. Her gaze lingered on Art and how he could find enjoyment in things even when he was getting a surprise attack of sorts from another brute, meanwhile she was struggling to relax even when Manea was moving at her pace and gently tempting her into their fun. "I... um..." she whispered back, struggling to find any words to respond to Manea with as she watched their partners quickly fall into more carnal pleasures. Watching Artorias like this made her core clench in a way she wasn't expecting with heat and desire, but also with something that she couldn't quite name. It was like jealousy, but not because he was with someone else—she was more jealous that she couldn't naturally be as free as he was with his sexual advances.

"I'm... I'm not sure," she finally managed in a whisper, peeling her gaze away from the brutes to look toward Manea. "I've never been with anyone like this besides Artorias... Well, I mean, I've kiss one other woman before, but that was while I was in heat," she explained softly, her ears folding back shyly. She glanced down to where Manea's paw was resting on her foreleg and she brought her opposite paw over to trace over her larger paw, feeling her soft, violet fur under her paw pads. If Artorias could sleep with other wolves so freely, surely she could manage this one night just to try it and see if she even enjoyed it. It wasn't like Manea and Alastor weren't attractive wolves and they very clearly wanted to show them both a good time... if not now, then when? Bringing her gaze up to Manea's again with her muzzle very nearly brushing the other woman's she hesitated, trying to find the courage to make the first move and failing, instead simply waiting for Manea to make the move she needed with her heart pounding like crazy in her chest.

"Artorias & Briar Carpathius"