
i've come to the realization



Expert Fighter (185)

Expert Navigator (225)

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022WealthyOoh La LaBy the skin of my teeth
06-27-2022, 10:58 AM
The smile that lit up Venom's face when he agreed to surrender his life of nomadic rambling to be a permanent fixture in hers made his heart leap in his chest, and in that moment, Maverick knew he'd made the right call. The way he felt when he saw Venom smile was all the affirmation needed to be assured that this was the path he wanted to take. It would take some growing into, he would undoubtedly make mistakes and fuck up along the way, but for his Empress he was willing to try and make a fool of himself as he went. Though neither of them said the three words yet—it was still far too soon in their blossoming relationship for such a thing—and neither of them had said any official labels or titles for one another, this was as real and as established as any relationship Maverick could hope to attain. Deep down, he needed Venom as much as she needed him, even if he didn't recognize it fully yet.

Venom told him to run with her and the larger brute's grin widened, a playful gleam sparking in his teal eyes. "Every step of the way, Ven," he said, bringing her paw up to his lips to place a gentle kiss across her knuckles. Setting her white-gloved paw back down to the snowy ground, Mav rose to his paws and was all set to go, pausing just long enough as a thought struck him. "Oh, my stuff! Bear with me a minute!" In a blur of white and navy, the once-vagabond had bolted back into his den, moving in a flurry of motion to gather up his meager and modest belongings into an old, worn pack. He abandoned everything he didn't need to keep, like the bedding, opting instead to grab his stash of recreational herbs and small mementos from his travels. Once packed, the only traces of Maverick that remained in the den were his scent, and even that would grow old with time. Soon enough, it would be as if the rogue had never been here.

Maverick emerged from the den into the cold night once more, the aged leather pack slung across his body. "Shall we get you back home to bed then, Empress Abraxas?" he teased her, moving to give her a playful jostle with his shoulder. "I do believe you need to show me whereabouts that actually is. As much as I've stalked- er, run into you, I've never actually been inside your home before." A roguish grin split his lips and he chuckled, moving closer to brush his side against the smaller fae's, his bushy tail whipping up and aiming to give her shapely rump a frisky smack. "Although I guess it's going to be our home now, huh?" Home. An actual home. A permanent place he could come to rest and find shelter. The notion felt so wild and radically unbelievable to the wolf who had spent most of his life on the road, either alone or with his brother's company. Venom was turning his life entirely around, but Mav had never felt more ready for a change of pace in his adventure than he did now.


As his mate, Venom may enter his threads not marked as Private.