
Fenmyre Expansion-Fighting



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (85)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Bisexual
06-27-2022, 01:14 PM
Revenant had zero regard for his own personal safety. Danger had never been something the bold Klein prince feared, especially not when he had his father and brothers there to back him up. All the predators he'd faced in his lifetime had been with another of his large family with him, and he'd escaped all those fights unscathed, so why would he expect this time to be any different? It was exactly that bravado that had young Revenant, nearly dire sized, hanging off the bear's back with sharp claws and teeth going for any soft spots he could reach. His hind paws kicked and clambered at the grizzly's back, trying to pull himself up and closer to the bear's vulnerable throat. But just as he neared his target, intend to land the killing blow, the massive predator reared up with a furious bellow and slammed all of its weight down on the ground hard. The force of the impact jarred Revenant loose, and the next thing the pup knew, he was tumbling to the ground, landing belly up beneath the giant ursine. The grizzly roared and lifted a paw, prepared to crush the pup's skull like a grape.

Panic struck the young Klein's heart and he flinched away with a yelp, rolling to his side in a desperate gambit to avoid the lethal blow—but it never came. Instead, the bear roared in pain as Morendo attacked its soft underside with Strix darting about to distract it. Instead of killing Revenant, the bear instead switched its swing to swat Morendo away. Watching his introverted brother go flying filled Revenant with a rage, rolling to his paws and lunging for the wounded bear. He targeted the bleeding injury Chimera had inflicted, once more hurling himself onto the bear and digging his fangs deeper into the wounds. The bear bellowed, Revenant snarled, fresh ursine blood coating his tongue while he showed no mercy. While he might have lacked his sire's deadly teeth, he had clearly inherited his aggression in battle. The bear had hurt his brother. Now the bear would die.
