
Gobble Gobble

First solo hunt



Expert Fighter (205)

Advanced Hunter (90)

4 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

Critical Fail!1K
06-28-2022, 03:04 AM (This post was last modified: 06-28-2022, 03:13 AM by Brida. Edited 2 times in total.)

She stepped foot in the place that her family had once laid claim for generations before her. A couple of seasons ago, these lands were bustling with Imperialis, Finnvi, and Saxes. Despite the many names, they were all blood-related. Brida stood on the edge of the territory for a few minutes as she imagined what life would have been like had her family still lived here, but as it was, it lay empty. A ghost town. And now anyone was free to walk its halls without repercussion. She drew in a deep breath before her stomach rumbled. Well, she supposed since nobody was really around anymore, everything here was free game, right? Granted, she had the right to hunt in Fireside's old lands even before they disbanded simply for the fact they had been allowed to come and go, but it just felt...weird now that these were rogue lands. What would become of the tractor that her grandfather loved so much? She heard about all the stories regarding that and she was disappointed to know she'd never get to harass her grandfather under that tractor. At least, not unless her grandfather decided to tie himself to it if the Imperialis family didn't reclaim the lands someday.

She hummed softly to herself as she set herself into motion. She was hungry, and nobody was going to feed her but herself, so she set her nose to the ground and got moving. These lands were likely to be rich in prey now that it didn't have the scent of a pack on it anymore, but considering it was winter, no doubt many of the prey animals were still in hiding. Still, spring was right around the corner, wasn't it? And with it, her first year. The large, gangly girl made her way further into the territory until she reached the run-down barn that her family once called home. Despite the snow on the ground, it was easy to see what was around that she could catch. And lucky for her, there did appear to be some choices. Lavender gaze studied the tracks for a moment, noting that the tracks of what appeared to be a large bird went around the barn. Good. Easier for her to track. She set herself to the task of hunting it down, and from the smell of would be a good meal.

Ears perked when she heard the telltale sound of a turkey's gobble, bringing a grin to the young girl's maw. Yep, definitely, a filling meal if she could catch it! Stalking around the side of the building as quietly as she could, it didn't take long before she spotted the brown and white plumage of a big, plump turkey. Its bald head bobbed as it walked, pecking at young shoots on the ground. She hunkered down into the snow, pressing herself down to try and be less noticeable. So far, it hadn't noticed her, but she was sure that with her coat, that wouldn't last particularly long now, would it? From what she heard though, turkeys weren't the smartest creatures in the world.

This would be a piece of cake!

The turkey moved. And so did she. Despite her bulky size, she moved as quietly as she could and with all the quiet grace she had. She snuck closer to the large fowl, keeping herself close to the shadow of the barn. Slowly and steadily, she got closer and closer...until eventually, she was within jumping distance. Her body tensed and she held her breath, and just as she was about to rush at it, the turkey spotted her. Black beady eyes looked right at her, and suddenly the turkey had flared its tail and uttered a challenge gobble at the young girl. Growling, Brida jumped at it regardless, only to earn herself a smack in the head with a blunt pair of wings.

For a bird, she learned today that wild turkeys were hard hitters. But that didn't stop her! With a snarl, she snapped at the bird and took out a few feathers, but still, the turkey wasn't deterred! It flared its wings and tail, jumping at her trying to scratch at her with its claws to which Brida responded with her own. A large, heavy paw whacked the bird, but still, it kept coming. "You're getting on my nerves!" She snarled as she aimed another heavy swipe at it.

This time, she landed a good hit when it jumped at her again and managed to smack it into the side of the barn and disorient it. As it fell to the ground, Brida took her chance and jumped on it, pinning it to the ground and grabbing it by its skinny, naked neck, and giving it a good shake. Feathers flew everywhere as she shook it around like a ragdoll. She heard the thin snap of its neck, and naturally, the bird fell limp. She huffed before letting the bird go, tail wagging with pride as she stood over her prize.

Well, that wasn't hard now, was it? That turkey had been feisty, but clearly no match for the young Viking warrior! Picking her prize up, she decided she would enjoy it in the warmth of the barn instead of eating it out in the cold. She made her way around into the barn and found a good spot in a bed of hay and began plucking the little terror. Maybe she'd use some of those to line her den, or even make something out of them later. For now, she had a lot of plucking to do before she could eat it. Nobody wanted a mouthful of feathers after all, least of all her!

Once she was done, she dug into her meal and enjoyed every bite of it. When she finished, she sprawled out on the hay bed and cleaned herself off until her fur was no longer dirty from her little scuffle with the bird. Feeling drowsy now after her meal, she decided she earned a nap.

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