
distant, the wind howls

[ beau ]



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
06-28-2022, 05:41 AM
Beauregard's gaze lit up as the stranger spoke again. His way of speaking the common tongue was different, funny, an accent his mother had called it. No one in his pack had one but he found it easy enough to understand the other male. "Right? My kin have often shared stories of their pilmigrages but never anything like this." Behind him his tail began to wag.

"Once," Beau confirmed. "But I didn't really get the chance to poke around much. I'm still prodding about it now, and haven't learned much yet, but an adventure companion is always welcome!" There was a shine to his eyes as he turned in his paws back to the doorway.

"Follow me! Just be mindful some of these mini caves are awfully smelly. They've got these weird fur-like things in them and they can really hold in an odor." He smiled over his shoulder. "I'm Beauregard by the way! Beauregard Ravenwood."

Back into the hallway Beauregard went, this time traveling further before reaching a room he hadn't been in yet. He nosed the door, which had been barely hanging on by a hinge, open.

This room was different from the first couple of cabins he had been in. The room was larger and it smelled even more musty than the rooms with the furs. Scattered about were pale, sun bleached leaves with faint markings on them. There was a big thing made of wood, some other weirdly shaped wood thing that was smaller next to it, and things full of the leaves that looked like shiny, smooth rocks. A bigger leaf was stretched out across the back wall of the cavern and looked to be barely hanging onto the wall…. Parts of it had already crumbled to the floor. There were a couple trunks in the room as well, not that Beau knew what any of these items were by name.

He entered the room with a wrinkle of his nose. "What do you suppose this stuff is? Smells like half-wet, rotted plants here…"