
Armada Expansion: Intellect


"Until We Meet Again"


4 Years

VengeanceOoh La LaSamhain 2022ScarredDouble Master
06-28-2022, 03:28 PM
Keahi’s eyes dance with joy as it becomes apparent that she is distracting the tall Master of Arms. Gently she bumps against his leg while chuckling at his reply. Standing tall, she reaches her nose up toward him, whispering low so only he can hear, “I might know just the girl to help too.” As she pulls away, she tosses him a cheerful, playful wink before turning her attention to Kotori and the winged Mortis. Kotori mentions building walls on either end of the beach and the red woman hums thoughtful before nodding her agreement to the idea, saying, “Great idea, Kotori. It will also help to lessen the harsh winds here.” She offers the prince a respectful bow of her head before turning her blue eyes out to the water.

Mortis speaks of Sirius keeping the stakes from where the pack lived before and Keahi chuckles softly to herself. Turning her head, she looks right and left along the beach as the red wolf once again hums softly to herself while she thinks. Once again, she speaks up again, suggesting “What if we split the beach up? One side for training and one side for fishing and swimming? On the training side, along with the sparring rings, what if we also built an obstacle course? Maybe… make it with different levels so, depending on what height the tide is at, the course will be different.” She falls silent for a moment, trying to think of a way to make that work. Hopefully, Ruga can figure that out.

After a few moments, Keahi turns her gaze to look up to Mortis, as she says, “As for the net; we should have one specially made, with smaller loops so there is less chance of a small pup slipping through. Kotori is correct…” she looks to the earthen-hued prince while saying “Only the really young pups should need the net.” She offers Kotori a small smile before looking back to the winged wolf and saying, “Because of that, I suggest finding a safe stretch of water at low tide. Once the area is selected, it will be easy to set up the net.”

Looking at the gathered wolves, Keahi explains, “We weave the net around some stakes and go to the designated area at low tide. A couple of strong, tall diggers should be able to plant the stakes underwater without too much swimming. The trick will be to get the stakes deep enough so that they won’t be pulled out by strong tides.” Eyes once more slide over to look out over the lapping water as Keahi muses, “The net would only need to stick a couple of feet up over the water line and, as the tide comes in, it will be completely covered with water. This will allow fish to move freely around the net when the tide is high, and a few get caught in with the pups… well, it is good opportunity to teach them how to catch fish.”

Keahi finishes speaking and turns her gaze to look at the others, ears perking to see what they think of her ideas and to listen to what they have to say.

"Keahi Mogotsi"