
This Little Bird

Aia Birth


"Do not underestimate the power of the floppy ears!"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

5 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
06-29-2022, 04:45 PM
Satira... hadn't exactly been looking forward to being a big sister. She hid her disdain well—a trait she'd unfortunately been forced to pick up habitually throughout her life—so as not to spoil her mother or uncle's happiness. She knew how in love they were and how much they wanted a family together, and now they were finally getting it. She didn't really understand, but then again, how could she? She hadn't lived their life, walked in their shoes. All the same, Satira couldn't help but feel ostracized more than she already did. The wolf-dog had been born out of her mother's duty and her father's circumstance, not even desired by either parent until after her birth. She'd been abandoned time and time again by her father, whom she knew was out seeking his own path, perhaps even trying to make his way back to her familial pack in the Armada. All she'd had was her mother and Arcturus, and even they seemed to be going their own ways. Aslatiel had Indigo now, a new baby on the way, and her own family all her own now. Arc had his girlfriend out in the wilds and was spending all his time with her, doing whatever it was they did and going on their own adventures. In time, he'd want his own family too, and she knew it.

And then there was Satira... The wayward little girl had no place, no direction, no idea who she was or who she wanted to be, no clue where to go or where she was meant to fit in or if she even fit in anywhere at all. She felt adrift in an endless sea with no islands nor help in sight. She stewed in the quagmire of disillusioned and morose thoughts for the past several weeks, keeping to herself and saying nothing of her emotions to anyone else. If she just concealed them away, then nothing would be wrong, right? All she had to do was keep moving forward and pretend like everything was okay—just like she always had and always would do. Surely she could manage that, right?

The cold of winter was beginning to lessen as the warmer days of spring crept across the land, daylight stretching on for longer and banishing the night as the world began to thaw and renew itself. Much of the snow had turned to a slushy mess that she trudged through while scouring the island for herbs only native to the north to add to her growing collection when one of her mother's snow leopards came to find her. Satira didn't need to hear an explanation why; she already knew in her heart what it was about. She followed dutifully at a brisk walk to the den her mother and uncle shared, pausing at the entrance for a steadying breath before she slipped inside after Asla's companion. There she found them, gathered around Asla's birthing bed. Asla and Indigo snuggling one another with a tiny purple loaf nursing at her mother's belly. Pale blue eyes shifted over the three, pausing to linger at the newborn pup. They all looked... so happy... It made the heartache Satira felt even more unwelcome as the sight of the happy family was forever seared into her brain. Everything her mother had wanted had come true. Good for her...

"They're here..." she spoke softly, not moving from the entrance of the den as she gave voice to the obvious. Her pallid gaze remained on the sole pup making quiet mewling noises while she fed. "He...? She...?" Did she have a new half-brother or half-sister? Did it really matter, or was Tira just trying to be polite for her mother's sake?
