
Fresh meat a la moose

Saracyn, Poe, Naraca



Master Fighter (270)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Ranger Ranger

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
06-28-2022, 08:59 PM

The group was doing a good job with team unity Chade noticed as they got around the moose in the desired positions.  The muscles and antlers on the moose were no joking matter.  The animal could easily damage them if anyone messed up but it was also completely possible to take it down, especially with a solid group of hunters.  

Chade shifted his shoulders with his head turning on the notion of getting a bite to a leg but before he could even start to attempt the snap he saw the moose’s head turn, head tilting with an antler ready to lash out if Chade continued his motion.  They had time so Chade could wait for an opportunity.  The opportunity came the moment Arcturus slashed out at the back leg.

When the moose kicked out at Arc it also raised its head up as it cried out in pain, neck momentarily more exposed and its attention was not on the two wolves near its front end for half a second.  Chade lunged in, leaping up to get a solid bite into the meaty shoulder, shoving his weight into the large animal.  Trying to put an animal like a moose off balance on his own would be a joke but now its back leg was also injured and it was momentarily confused.  Chade had no notion of knocking it over or anything so dramatic.  His job was to do damage, distract and help give the other wolves a chance to get their attacks in.  

If the moose would just take even one stride towards Saracyn as it dealt with Chade’s attack then the demonic wolf could use all his aggression to bite into the animal's neck to rip it open.  Even if they couldn’t kill it from a quick bite if they all did enough damage to the legs to slow it and Saracyn got a solid tearing bite into the neck to make the blood flow faster it should only be a matter of time.    Chade couldn’t keep a bite on its shoulder long though, the moose head was quickly turning towards Chade and he would let go before those antlers could send the blue wolf sailing.


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