
Light and Dark Kleins

get it babeh



Intermediate Fighter (40)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years

Samhain 2022Pride - Lesbian
06-29-2022, 01:04 AM (This post was last modified: 06-30-2022, 12:21 PM by Voodoo. Edited 1 time in total.)
Finally, the time has arrived!

Voodoo Klein will be having her first and only litter this coming month! Sired by the wonderful Torben these kids are coming into a wild world. Now these pups will be born solely to Voodoo as she is not letting Torben know that she is pregnant with his pups(She feels guilty because she actually did like him but she's a lesbian). It is planned later when they get older(perhaps close to a year) Torben may show up in their lives as Voodoo will confess they are his out of guilt. She'll be telling the pups their father is a large albino man but nothing more.

Currently a student in Abaven Voodoo is remaining there until her training is complete. However she has plans to join Wren in her pack upon it's creation. Meaning it's likely if things go as planned these pups will be raised in the Menagerie. If things don't go as planned she'll be hoping to rejoin Habari depending on if they'll accept her back being pregnant etc.

Activity: We all know my activity can be spotty at times. I believe real life always comes first, however I'm very much active with Voodoo as her plots seem to be going in that direction. If you haven't posted in a month I'll check in to see how things are going. No response for another two weeks or two months with no activity and I will reclaim the pup to either readopt out or otherwise.

Personality/Alignments: Voodoo tends to be on the more chaotic side of the spectrum although her development has changed. These pups won't be war mongering power hungry wolves. She values independence over all but won't hesitate to cull pups seen as weak as she believes they won't have a place in the world. These pups will carry the Klein surname and as such Voodoo expects them to act with a bit of dignity about themselves. I'll accept lighter aligned pups as their father is on the lighter side of the spectrum but as Voodoo will mainly be raising them check out her bio to get a bit more of a feel for her.(She's not as snobby anymore and a bit more considerate but she still is in love with poisons and the pain they cause others).

Plots: These pups will be well loved. Even if you don't get the chance to thread with her often I'm expecting her children to know that she will always be around for them in their youth. There shouldn't be a reason they resent or hate her other than maybe being jealous that she won't admit who their father is. Other than that I am all for any plots with these guys. Ambitious sure! Laid back, Sure! Just keep in mind that ic actions WILL have ic consequences and Voodoo will not stand for any relationships with her children under the age of two. These pups will be raised in a pack setting and as such shouldn't enjoy the thought of being a loner at the beginning.

Designs: You can choose one that I've provided here. Or your own. Should you make your own design and the pup falls inactive I will not use it(all credit due) unless stated otherwise that others can use the design. I'm not picky about it honestly. Also your pup can identify as any gender, any sexuality, there won't be any discrimination for Voodoo as she is a lesbian.

Currently I and Lackadaisy will be taking 1 pup each. Meaning 2 are taken. I have enough gems for everyone so if need be I'll be willing to do a 5 pup litter. Voodoo is 38" and Torben is an Albino Dire Wolf. I encourage any mutations or things you want to throw onto them.

Due date for apps is 7/15 !

Adoption form:

<b>Name</b>: Your username
<b>Pup Name:</b> I'm being open with the names I'd like them to be themed but honestly Voodoo will be naming them on a whim so go wild(Note names such as Siren, Calypso, etc are highly encouraged. Along with any magic or "kleinish" names you can think of)

<b>Appearance: </b>Chosen appearance(site minimum)

<b>Personality:</b> Site minimum

<b>Mutations and Height:</b>

<b>Plots: </b>Your plot idea's
<b>Rp Sample: </b>(If we haven't rped together before)

<b>Other: </b>any other details you'd like to include