
Light and Dark Kleins

get it babeh


"Do you want to meet all my monsters? Think you're tough, I know they'll drive you bonkers!"


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06-29-2022, 01:15 AM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2022, 12:59 AM by Medusa. Edited 7 times in total.)
Name: Dragon
Pup Name: Phantom Klein

Appearance: one or two...possibly a different one, haven't decided yet D; For now gonna write as design #2

Phantom, like his namesake, is one with the dark. His coat is pitch-black with little to no other visible color or markings at first glance. Look close enough, however, and he bears the subtlest of striping upon his pitch-black coat. At night it is not visible to the naked eye, however, during daylight hours, the markings can be seen if you look hard enough. Even then, it's almost like phantom markings. Often causing others to do a doubletake or question if the markings are even there in the first place.

His coat is darkest surrounding his face, legs, and the end of his tail. The rest of his coat is a slightly lighter shade of black, however. Hidden upon his coat are striped markings that flow across his body from shoulder to rump, as well as his hind legs until they reach the darker socks he wears. The striping is a...bit of a...slate blueish color, giving off a bit of a subtle color change between a slate blue and charcoal gray depending on the lighting. Though it is slightly (but not by much) more noticeable on his front half as opposed to the back half.

Phantom is slender in appearance, with lean legs and a lean muscled body. His fur is silken to the touch, however, as he keeps himself well-groomed and always appears immaculate until he earns his scars from the fields of battle. His tail is plush with slightly longer hairs waving at the edges, however, most of his coat is like that. His fur length is mostly average, just slightly longer on the fringes.

Lastly, his eyes are as dark as coal, seemingly lifeless yet brimming with curiosity.

Personality: Like most pups, Phantom has a sense of curiosity about the world around him. However, his curiosity leans heavily toward the more morbid side of things. He does not fear death, nor does blood and gore disturb him. He's more of a quiet kid, observing the world and those in it, and has the tendency to pass off silent judgment. He doesn't care if you are a friend, family, or foe. Give him a reason, any reason at all no matter how minuscule to not like you, and his mind will likely never change about how he's perceived you.

That being said, Phantom isn't exactly the most social of wolves. Sure he'll tolerate the company of others, but that doesn't necessarily mean he'll enjoy the company. Parties? Social gatherings? Ick! At most he'll tolerate pack meetings and mandatory pack things...but beyond that? Let's just say he prefers to keep to himself. A recluse, if you will.

TBA if chosen <3

Mutations and Height: undecided, likely gonna try to give him a mutation pending funds by the time they're playable <3

Plots: I dunno D; A bit protective of mom maybe?? Does little experiments, a strong interest in poisons, and possibly an assassin-like path??
Rp Sample: (If we haven't rped together before)

Other: er...nope I think that's it. Will add much more if chosen <3 also gonna want all the threads and plots (if chosen of course)