
Light and Dark Kleins

get it babeh


06-29-2022, 07:34 AM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2022, 05:31 AM by halfawyrm. Edited 7 times in total.)
Name: Wyrm
Pup Name: Viktor (or Wraith) Klein

[design in progress]
Viktor will be a curious child, yes, and in more ways than one. A shadow amidst sunlight, he will stalk and observe like a ghost, let us hope that he is friendly.
Starting off round and soft as all pups do, this boy will start off perfectly average in height and weight. But as he ages, he will not grow like his siblings. No, more accurately, he will lengthen. He puts on very little weight, thin like death. This is all thanks to proportion though, he stands tall and his legs are sturdy, despite appearances. His eyes shine a luxurious indigo, dark but glittering. He will be harsh in shape, but bear with him the curve of traditional elegance rather than brute strength.

His coat will be crow's black, matte and unforgiving, lacking any sort of iridescence or other shift of hue in light. It will darken near the spine, lighten near the belly, counter-shaded subtly, he is still wolf after all. But he will not be completely of the abyssal, thanks to his mother and father's striking white tones. A shock, a splatter of albino white will mark his right eye, lashes turned pale and marking his otherwise symmetrical coat. He is not fond of this marking, purely out of his own taste in aesthetics, and may later seek to cover it.

Viktor will know the rewards of a well kept coat. He will bathe frequently, diversify his diet, drink plenty of water. He is not fastidious, only thorough. His coat will be healthy and thick, soft to the touch. He will smell clean, almost sterile, due to the poultices he mixes. Sometimes one can pick up a trace of blood and carrion, if you encounter him at the right time.

Strange, reserved, inquisitive, observant, clinical
Viktor is out of the ordinary. For one, he is quite obsessive over his interests. It's very difficult to steer conversation away from them, and when you do his word's will become slow, stilted. Uneasy. He is humming his own tune and others will simply have to keep up. His passion for anatomy and the workings of the body is tangible, nothing quite fascinates him like a new disease or the way a bone breaks. He will relish in his own little studies, typically featuring a corpse he finds buried in the woods, or food brought back for him and his siblings. He doesn't eat much, and he is content to wait before eating to analyse. Others do not always share his passions, and family dinners might get tedious.

It is easy to say that Viktor is not a people person. When it comes to how they work, he know splenty more than the average pup, but talking to someone is a little... out of his reach. He is content researching solo thank you very much. If you want to get things done, you must do it yourself. His thoughts are mostly centered around himself, he cant quite put himself in other people's shoes. When he is told to, he will assume that everyone is like him, or should be like him. Why say please and thank you? Why ask about someone's day? People don't listen to him either and he's content with that. [not really, but he's not admitting that anytime soon.]

He's more curious than your average pup. He's not content with one word answers, he wants an essay with citations and evidence, and it's not something everyone can offer. He'll spend days thinking on a question before it is answered, and often it'll be all he thinks about. This is an internal conflict most of the time, he tends to catch people by surprise with the things he mulls over. While single minded, he recognises little details easily, things that people might miss. Unfortunately, he may focus on these details instead of the bigger picture that may be more immediately obvious to your average wolf.

Lastly, he is definitely not an empath. Emotions are something he believes hold little weight, and he doesn't care about how others might feel. He just wants to do his autopsies, and he doesn't care if someone complains about the crows the corpses attract or the smell that it brings. He'll hold some sentimentality towards his immediate family, but strangers? They are simply beasts to study.

Mutations and Height: 42", no mutations

Plots: Quirky lil plague doctor man, herb based hijinks and maybe some amateur autopsies. He's gonna end up bringing home a lot of crows. He could use one of his bigger siblings as an assistant/extra muscle maybe
Rp Sample: (If we haven't rped together before)
- his skills are gonna be healing and intellect/ maybee fighting, with a poisonous twist
- Might change his name to Victor depending on availability but I think I'll be fine