
Tools of the trades

Shelby <3


06-29-2022, 01:33 PM
The other woman didn't exactly seem to appreciate her presence at first, but relented quickly enough. Keelin wasn't unused to the ire of others so it didn't exactly phase her. She simply waited to see if she would be dismissed or invited in. After a moment she did indeed accept her help and Keelin stepped closer so she could take a better look at the materials that had been collected. At first she couldn't guess exactly what the goal here was, but once it was explained to her she could better understand what the different pieces were for. "Ah, I see," she said with a nod, settling down on her hunches. This wasn't something that she personally had a lot of experience with, but she had seen all number of different projects and crafting on the ship so she at least had an idea.

"Since it doesn't have to be sharpened along the whole length of it like a blade it shouldn't be too much trouble," she said in relation to the trouble she was having over shaping the metal. "From what I've seen at least, you'll just need to heat it long enough to get it pliable and then you can just form it against some of these rocks you have here." Turning her attention to the wood, she mentioned, "I have a bit of experience with carving pieces if you'd like for me to begin working on that while you figure out the metal."
