
Tools of the trades

Shelby <3



Advanced Intellectual (115)

Expert Fighter (120)

6 Years

Samhain 2022Pride - Bisexual
06-29-2022, 03:15 PM

Desponia listened as the dappled woman spoke. For all her big ideas she had little practical crafting history so she certainly wouldn't turn her nose up at the woman's explanation, she nodded idly. Then when the stranger asked if she could help with carving the handle Desponia nudged the block of wood and the blade towards her before turning her own attention towards the metal at her paws.

In the end it would take her two tries, luckily the piece she had was long enough that she could easily break the piece in two if one end ended up not working. Which it didn't the first time. It had taken some shifting to find a place where she could comfortably hold the poker in the fire while not risking singeing her fur, then when she'd thought it had turned red enough that the metal was malleable moving it towards the rocks had proven a little hard, then it had just taken figuring out the right combination of pressure and striking to shape the end, though when she'd finally figured it out the end had turned into an uneven mishapen point, so she'd tried again with the other end. Though only after sticking the end into the snow to cool it so she could grab it safely. The second try was better, she took her time, focused on the task at hand and this end of the shaft looked much more even, not perfect but she could accept it. Cool that end and then she shoved the first end back into the flames, deeper this time waiting until the metal was red again and then shoved it directly into the snow which caused a hiss and steam to rise, with that end now brittle she managed to break it off, not totally evenly but easy enough to file with one of the stones.

Then and only then would she lift her gaze to see how her helper was getting on, all conversation having fled her mind while she'd been concentrating.


Image by ArtByBeta