
A taste of home

Market place - Wren


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
06-29-2022, 05:09 PM

He cast an amused expression her way as she spoke of patching him up. Taking charge already, that was the Wren he remembered. A part of him was happy to let her take the lead. The past few months had been exhausting, and he would be asking himself what he could have done differently or a long time coming. That didn’t mean he had to make it easy on her however… “I didn’t realise you took classes in healing” he teased, voice soft, and falling silent when she spoke of her pack.

He was surprised but… that little bit of hope seeing her had sparked, died again. As she mentioned her alpha taking his family and abandoning the rest, his eyes flared to hers, his ears back. That coward! The pack came first, always. He shook his head, wondering if he was thinking ill of the dead. “I couldn’t reach my pack. I assume, but I don’t…” he couldn’t go on. Too fresh, to raw. He was all too thankful for a change in topic. He glanced about the marketplace as Wren identified the place. Giving it a name. He’d never heard of the Armada pack before, but that was hardly surprising. “Lead the way” he said, releasing her fully and following after her.


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