
Lover's Quarrel


10-07-2013, 08:54 PM

Locking her forelimbs around her partners neck, she was about to land a solid bite to Song's scruff when she felt the smaller she wolf wrap her own teeth around the icy rose's lower jaw, preventing her from doing anything. Her balance shifted as the pearl fae adjusted her footing in an attempt to loosen Aurora's grip and intensify the bite that was occurring. Her back feet danced to and fro in an attempt to keep her balance, until an idea struck her, a move her father had pulled on her in one of their last training sessions. A demonic grin curved Aurora's ebony lips as she let one knee buckle, which would topple her, and the woman she had locked in her grip, over to one side. Such a move could allow her to release Song's grip and land some blows. Tensing all of her muscles to make sure the least damage possible occurred in the fall, she slitted her eyes so she could just see what was going on, but nothing could get into them.

Aligning her spinal cord, she tensed the muscles in her neck to keep it rigid, and snapped her jaws shut to keep her teeth from being damaged. Being as tall as she was, the momentum from the ivory maiden's fall could do a number on her if she didn't brace for the impact. The fall would leave her with some bruising, but if all went well, she had a better chance of beating Song in the spar. Releasing a final breath, she was ready to hit the ground. The release of breath would keep her from having to recover from the shock of having the wind knocked out of her. Now, all she could do was hope the move was outlandish enough that Song wouldn't know how to counter it, that way Aurora would have a slight chance at what would come next.

Fight Stats

Round: Three of three

Defenses: Muscles tense, spine rigid, eyes slitted, mouth closed, keeping her lungs mainly empty.

Attacks: Holding onto Song's neck and attempting to make them both fall sideways, which would loosen Song's grip and possibly allow Aurora to land a few quick blows.

Injuries: Some bruising on her lower jaw from Song's bite, and the fall will definitely cause some bruising to her flank.

Out Of Character Notes:

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think