
Two different roads[Nibel]


10-07-2013, 09:12 PM

She was unconvinced. A grin trickled across my visage as the realization dawned. The girl, little Rivaxorus, was proving to be more than I had initially believed her to be, if only for this new development. My surprise was carefully concealed as I took in the womanly shape before me with decidedly different intentions motivating the examination. Her outward responses, the subtle social cues, they were too exact, too perfect to be genuine ? or at least not completely. Darling Riv was playing with the same hand it would appear, showing only what she presumed was the most natural response to our banter, acting the part. My smile widened. Quaint little bitch.

I breathed a sigh as if to express my utmost relief that she had not taken offense and that my apology was not ill placed as I allowed my mind to undergo a slight revision of previously ordained concepts. What experiences she must have had to manifest a shield such as this, to fall into her role with only the barest transition to illuminate the shift between masks. And she had not fallen for my charms as I was so used to seeing. Had I been a lesser man I think I would?ve been offended. As it was I was merely intrigued by the new turn of events. Though I did wonder briefly where I might?ve slipped.

What I believed was stranger, more alluring, than her identifying my ploy, was that she did not draw attention to the fact that she knew. She did not shine the lamp on my deceptions so I would not expose her either. It had become a game now, albeit a deadly one. Two vipers circling one another, both equipped with our preferred brand of poison. But while her poison may weaken me, kill me if she were to be so lucky, mine would be more sinister. My venom would saturate her organs, the toxicity eating away at her, scarring her, marking her as mine.


A shiver rolled down my spine and it too a great deal of concentration not to moan with pleasure at the thought. I did not want her because she was beautiful, I did not care that her mind might be something I would enjoy picking at for moons to come, I wanted her because she was there and because it would bring her suffering. I would bring her suffering.

But I did not afford myself the luxury of pursuing these thoughts; I do believe I had a conversation to rejoin. I would save my perversions for when I was alone and fantasize about what could be if I ever allowed myself. I blinked ginger eyes at the dame and pretended to grimace ? ha, yes we were still dancing this dance together ? at the mention of Glaciem?s present hierarchical debauchery. ?I?ve no need for a gaggle of women. They tend to get?noisy. No offense.? I tacked on the last quickly.

Join Seracia? Now there was something I would not consider doing. Doing so would present quite a problem considering many of my antics would not be so easily overlooked as a pack wolf as opposed to my roving status. However, it need not be a permanent decision.

?I understand your discretion; pack tactics are only effective if their opponents do not know of them. Not that I would want to be your enemy, I am not quite so arrogant.? I hummed thoughtfully, turning the idea over in my head again and again. ?I think I would like to meet those of Seracia. You have made these dreary woods a great deal more tolerable and if your comrades are anything like you I would not want to pass up the opportunity. Would it be possible??
