
Fate Draws Us Together




Master Fighter (260)

Advanced Hunter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

8 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Observation!Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
06-29-2022, 08:12 PM
The fruitless search he had set out on to find someone worthy of calling his own had landed him with nothing. The ravens that his little sister had sent out many times had found him again and again, but he always sent them away, telling her he was still on the search. After all, the only thing they had ever been taught to focus on was finding their damn soul mate and producing as many little Mendacium wolves as they could so what else was he supposed to do? Even now as he finally began to follow the directions that had been given to him by one of the ravens the last time they found him he hadn’t given up. The only reason he had found himself in Boreas at all was because of the fact that he had been told about his sister forming a pack for their family and he had a hope that perhaps that would give him a more substantial pool of interesting fae to pick from.

The directions he had gotten were only slightly better than vague. He felt like he had managed to make it to the correct continent at least. The violet and slate gray male stalked along the edge of a large river that wound through the land. It was still quite chilly, but the temperatures were slowly beginning to work their way upward and the ice that had been on the river had begun to break up and float down stream, creating an icy, slushy mess. Eventually he deviated slightly from the river, moving into a wide plain of what he sure was normally a very grass heavy area during other parts of the year. Right now it was mostly just brown grasses, mud, and melting snow. It was late in the afternoon so he knew he would need to find somewhere to stop soon enough, but first he had a bit of investigative work to do.

He had caught the scent of a pack as he was making his way through this area and now he was skirting the edge of it, peeking into the pale forest of thin trees as he went to see what he could spot from this distance away from the border. He was curious, but there was no way of knowing what packs his little sister had made friends or enemies with so he was wisely, for once, being cautious. Eventually he did spot movement from the pack’s side of the border, his aqua blue gaze landing on the pale figure that moved through the trees. There were darker markings that followed her form and from what he could see from here they spilled into a long tail that followed behind her. His interest was at least captured enough for him to move a bit closer, trying to catch the woman’s attention and draw her close enough to speak.

"Deimos Mendacium"