
You and me

Keahi Seasonal


"Until We Meet Again"


4 Years

VengeanceOoh La LaSamhain 2022ScarredDouble Master
06-30-2022, 12:31 AM

She watches Mercury as he stretches, the adrenaline from the fight moments before, still coursing hotly through her veins. Keahi has learned how to mask the jitteriness of her limps as she comes down from the high and the tropical wolf looks almost serene while her body shout at her to fight. A laugh greets the tall wolf’s words and she nods, maybe a little too eagerly, in agreement, saying, “Too bad. I am sure we could have kicked their butts all the way back to… wherever they came from.” Her smile is tight, eyes a little too bright but those are the only signs that she is itching to spar. A strong gust kicks up, causing the tropical woman to shiver. The polar bear coat actually keeps out most of the chill out but she uses the wind as an excuse to bleed off some excess energy.

The scent of saltwater is thick, clogging her nose and coating her pelt. It reminds her of home and spars along the beachside at night, where bonfires would blaze in competition against the star-studded skies for attention. Wide blue eyes blink owlishly as Mercury speaks of sparring and a huge, enthusiastic smirk appears on Keahi’s lips. Dropping easily into her defensive stance, the red wolf says, “Thought you’d never ask!” As she allows Mercury a moment to get set, a cold snowflake lands on her black nose and promptly melts away. The wind is now frigid and her breath turns into a cloud of steam the moment it leaves her mouth. She charges Mercury as more snowflakes fall, swirling in the wind and being tossed with stinging force into their eyes and mouths.

Keahi ducks to the taller male’s right, growling loudly as she leaps up and aims a sharp bite at his shoulder. Blood pounds through her veins, sharpening her senses and brightening the colors around her. Mercury’s black coat blends in with the sand of the beach, while his blue looks like a swirling swath of clouds against a dark sky. White begins to fall more steadily as she tries to slam her weight into his right front leg in a bid to send him off balance.

WC: 367
Total WC: 597/1500

"Keahi Mogotsi"