
You and me

Keahi Seasonal


"Until We Meet Again"


4 Years

VengeanceOoh La LaSamhain 2022ScarredDouble Master
06-30-2022, 02:08 AM

The distance between them is short and, by the time Keahi is leaping up to snap at Mercury’s shoulder, the snowflakes have begun to falling at an alarming rate. Perhaps she should be worried about the speed at which the storm is rolling in or the snowfall is already obscuring her vision… but the red woman can’t be bother with that right now. All that matters is the fight. Mercury throws his shoulder toward her, snapping her head back slightly and forcing her to release her grip. A puff of steam is released from between parted red lips as she huffs and throws her height against the limb. The taller male huffs laughter and Keahi rides the wave of joy and adrenaline. Her tongue lolls out of mouth in happiness as his muscles suddenly shift under her and he tugs at leg.

The world shifts as Mercury throws her offer balance, his attack pulling her down. Keahi notices the way the icy flakes of white are beginning to stick in large clumps to the black sand. Her train of thought is derailed as she is forced to toss her head sideways to avoid his incoming bite. As her head rolls, she allows her body to follow it and she rolls away and under his attack. Red legs tuck in close to her body for a moment, her coat catching some the black sand as she passes. When she stands, the pristine white fur is marred by spots of black. A sudden gust of wind obscures her vision, forcing her to raise a paw to shield her blue eyes from the frozen whip of snow.

The wind continues to pick up, tossing flakes every which way at an increased rate and the tropical wolf starts to second guess what her eyes are showing her. Paws spread and Keahi takes a deep breath, tensing her muscles as she holds it for a moment. As she releases the held air, she sinks her weight down, lowering her center of gravity while also allowing her eyelids to close. The wind howls in her ears and she gently tilts her head, listening for the subtle crunch of sand under large paws. A smile plays across red lips as Keahi finds it and she turns to face the direction of the sound. With her eyes still closed, she pushes off the sand, rushing forward toward the area of her target.

Jaws open wide as she follows after the elusive sound, the wind howling louder and louder as the moments tick by. Teeth snap shut around one of Mercury’s legs and a ripple of surprise runs through her body. Wait… it had worked?! She releases her hold, a smile on red lips as she moves to dart away from the male with her eyes still closed. And… that is when she runs into trouble a solid wall of something smacks into her lower legs, causing her eyes to spring open as she is sent tumbling head over heels. Had Mercury tripped her? Had she smacked into a rock? No time to ponder the what the situation, there is only time to react. Bouncing back up to her paws, the red wolf turns back toward Mercury and finds… a white wall of snow.

A vicious gust whites out the landscape and forces Keahi to duck her body against the cold. Ears pin against her head, eyes squint in an attempt to find the dark form of her opponent against the worsening landscape.  

WC: 584
Total WC: 1509/1500

"Keahi Mogotsi"