
Yo Momma


10-07-2013, 11:04 PM

Royale loved the tug of the wind as he ran, how it ruffled his fur in an almost familial caress as he raced the Northern gales. He found joy in the fervent burn of his lungs as they labored on for the sake of a directionless chase. Such a deceptively simple delight running was that he always couldn?t fathom why only the designated few were sprinters like him. Though in hindsight, if ever wolf in Alacritis was a runner, sharing in the same feat of agility and swiftness, than he would not be so special. For indeed being a runner, even if their duty was not fitted for combat, was no less essential. But beyond obligation, beyond the desire to be considered useful, there was merely the hushed murmur in his heart begging for this release.

The three-toned male bounded in the shallows with vivacity rarely seen in those his age. It was as if he were still a pup the way he gracelessly charged through the water that erupted into miniature geysers at his disturbance. Despite the cold that was quickly setting in Roy could not say he felt the chill. His body no longer perceived the dropping temperatures as he huffed and puffed with each stride, claiming more distance as he rocketed down the coast. There was a chance that he might regret playing in the frigid waters when he did not have adrenaline to boost his natural insulation now sodden and thoroughly soaked, but the running he would never lament.

It was while he was bouncing in and out of the waves that something other than brine entered his nostrils, a decidedly difficult feat considering the seas potency. The roving male quickly became aware that his hapless journeying had found him a few leagues away from another wolf ? of which gender he couldn?t discern but he was positive to its species if nothing else. Still, what was he or she doing? They looked neither sad nor happy to be where the gulls crowed nor interested in the hermit crabs scuttling around the sand. Why go anywhere that did not make you smile?

Feeling that this was a grievous error on their part, Roy took off like he?d been stung, sprinting toward the retreating form with renewed vigor. It took him only a few minutes ? too long for someone to go without a smile he concluded ? and quickly began to jump around the lady (which made him grin a bit larger). His tail was a blur of tan and russet fur, beaming at her like she would be offering him gifts in mere seconds but all the while he stayed a respectful few feet away from her as not to startle her any more than his sudden appearance might. ?Hi!? he panted out breathily; even he got tired you know, ?Whatchadoin?? Roy questioned, chirping so rapidly that his words blurred together while as he continued bouncing like a caffeinated hare, bobbing in and out of her line of sight. ?Are you lost? Smile! It?s a beautiful day!? He bayed in childlike glee.
