
Raijin, you ARE the father




Master Intellectual (330)

Master Hunter (335)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble Master1KPride - Gay
06-30-2022, 05:10 PM

Kuroo did not know if anything had perspired during the moments he had stolen outside. His bag of spices was in safe paws back at their den by now thanks to his new monkey companion, Saru. Secretly, he needed time to process everything. How was he supposed to feel? Betrayed? Hurt? Lost? Happy? Glad that their father was so accepting of them? He had to be the level-headed, sensible one, right? That's who he was. He was the charmer, the diplomat, the one who could talk anyone out of trouble. Yet, all he wanted to do was cry. Even as he held back more tears and felt the firm press of his brother's shoulder against his, he tried to ignore the stinging itch that covered his face.

Nearly blinded by the well of tears in his pale eyes and deafened by the parade of thoughts in his brain, Kuroo almost didn't register any of the words breathed by Raijin or Usagi. There was nothing to say now. They had to move on. They had to believe Raijin was being truthful. How could he not be as the man's own tears trailed the long scar across his face? Now that he looked upon their father, he saw the similarities. Not in appearance, but in personality. There was no denying the truth. Deep down, he felt the sting of dislike toward their Kaicho for keeping information from them, but would it have been his place? There was another sting of pain toward their mother. How could she have kept them a secret from Raijin?

Was this the same Raijin that had attacked the shogun? Their mother had been working there at the time... Would this really be how all of their puzzle pieces fell together? Reality and understanding were beginning to settle back in as he let his chin shake softly at his brother's words. Pressing gently against Usagi's shoulder, he inhaled deeply. "Do not make him feel any more guilty than the tears staining his cheeks already do," Kuroo murmurs quietly before he leans away to take another sip of tea. Anything to wet his throat and help clear his head. Leveling his gaze with Raijin, he sets his jaw, ready to be stern with their newfound father.

"We only request that you accept us as you do your new litter and try to include us in your life from now on," it was the nicest way he could ask for them to never be deserted again. He was the level-headed and sensible brother, remember? No matter how much he wanted to slump into a pile with his brother and sob for the rest of the night, he had to stay strong.


[Image: Kuroo-Fishies1.png]
kuroo's tamarin, saru, should be assumed near/on him at all times.