
Fate Draws Us Together




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
06-30-2022, 09:20 PM

Had Deimos been more forward in his advances, Ikigai would not have been receptive. She took her duty quite seriously and, being promised to Poe, she would be faithful only to him. Despite the lack of honor that her father held, the Ashen princess was full to the brim with morals and beliefs. Her own honor and that of her birth pack was the most important thing. For honor she would wed an unknown brute, would give him children and would integrate herself into a new pack. It wasn’t a feat that most wolves could bring themselves to accomplish.

Iki listened as the amaranthine brute told her of his adventures, stating where he’d been and what he’d seen. In the end, it had been time to come home. He apparently missed his family. It was something that the black and white fae could understand. She would surely miss her family as well while she was away, though she wouldn’t be crossing oceans. They would be able to visit one another as often as they liked. As a diplomat to the pack, Ikigai would be very busy, but she would make time to visit Ashen when she could.

When Tanuki returned with the basket of food, realization dawned on Deimos. The man inspected the contents of the basket and, pulling out a piece of the cooked meat, began to eat. He then pushed the basket towards her and, not to be rude, Ikigai selected a small piece of meat as well. Holding it between her dexterous paws, the woman ripped off pieces which she quietly chewed and swallowed.

Deimos questioned her, obviously trying to get to know her as he’d claimed. The piece of meat had been small and the fae wiped the oils from her paws with a napkin that had been in the basket. “Helping the Empress keep the pack in order takes up the majority of my time,” the woman admitted. She was generally busy from dawn till dusk and sometimes after. “When I do have free time, I enjoy music, painting, and crafting.” A little shrug was given, a mere lift of one shoulder. “I dabble in healing as well, so I search for useful herbs, make salves and ointments. Typical healer business.” Pale, marbled eyes rested on the brutes own aqua orbs. “And you? What are your hobbies, Deimos?”


[Image: VsG8QnS.gif]