
Magic carpet ride




4 Years
Large species
07-01-2022, 01:03 AM

Tej had almost put the comment about sharing the drug with his partners out of his mind until Bowen tapped him and mentioned him trying to "partner" up with her which brought an amused, sly grin to his lips. He chuckled, the sound a low rumble in his chest, at the idea and gave her a teasing wink at her joke about not being buying her dinner first. He loved when glimpses of Bowen's spark and attitude rose to the surface and showed the vibrant woman he was convinced she was somewhere past all the trauma that had dulled it. This was when he saw some of the fire he had seen the day she stood up to the wolf that was at close to twice her size to free him.

She took the sliced leaf he offered her and immediately popped it into her mouth without hesitation which pulled a toothy grin across his hips. He was learning more and more about his little tigress with each passing day and the more he discovered the more he liked what he found. She pulled another chuckle from him at the mention of their difference in size, giving her a glance that showed his intrigue at the thought. He had never had a friendly relationship with a wolf before now so he most certainly would have never had a reason to consider what it would be like to sleep with one, but now he had Bowen who was presenting some very interesting thoughts that he never would have expected. "Oh would you now?" he mused with a smirk, his emerald gaze trying to read her face and tell how much of that was really true and how much of it was just playful teasing.

He placed a few of the sliced leaves in his tongue, eventually slipping them under his tongue to let them sit and do their work. He was quite literally twice as tall as she was and far more heavily built so it was going to take a larger dose for him to feel anything—especially given the tolerance he had built up in his time. He settled in comfortably around her while they waited, amusement and interest in his emerald gaze while he looked at her. His flicking tail slipped up to tap her shoulder playfully. "Always learning new things about you... I didn't know you were such an... adventurous lover to consider 'partnering up' with someone such as myself." He grinned as he started to feel a light tingle across his mouth from the leaves that were slowly giving up their properties while he continued to study his little companion.

"Tej & Bowen"