
The Young and Lonely


10-08-2013, 09:36 AM

Arietta sniffed the crisp, cold air in hopes to catch the scent of prey. Winter had descended upon the land far faster than she had expected, and truthfully Arietta wasn't at all ready for the cold. Her body felt a bit numbed by the cold when she went out... which was becoming more and more often since she was having a hard time finding prey. She knew that she had to find somewhere to settle down. The thought of being part of a pack had never crossed the young wolfess' mind before... especially once she started to see how wolves could truly be.

But the thought of not finding a pack was worse still. If she found one that had kinder ideals then... maybe joining a pack wouldn't be so bad. But Arietta worried about meeting an evil wolf face to face. If she was alone there was little chance that she would be able to protect herself from them. She certainly wasn't a fighter... and probably never would be.

Arietta let out a soft sigh as she looked around. The fields seemed to be abandoned. A cold, lonely feeling crept into Arietta's heart, and, before she thought better of it, she raised her muzzle to the sky and let out a long, saddened howl.
