
Luxury Accommodations


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
07-02-2022, 01:41 AM

Every single one of the Aegis' reactions he coaxed from the other brute were even more exquisite than he could have hoped for! Alastor relished in and savored every little gasp, every sharp inhale, every quiver and shift of his body, everything. Teasing and playing with a brute so far wasn't much different than toying with a fae—just some different anatomy was all. But despite all the wonderful reactions he was getting from Artorias, the onyx and azure brute continued to squirm and resist him, growling and refusing to give up control to the Mendacium brute so easily. A low, rumbling chuckle vibrated deep in Alastor's chest. "Oh no no no, I fully expect you to put up a fight," he remarked, returning his muzzle to nip at Art's ear, his voice dipping to a husky whisper as he added, "In fact, I'm hoping you do." Alastor flexed his massive paws, extending his deadly claws to press into Artorias' warm skin on his lower belly. The resulting hiss it brought from the other male made Alastor quiver with desire, letting his claws comb through the brute's thick fur and dance over his skin and muscles.

Across from them, both Alastor and Artorias watched as Manea held Briar's head still while she pressed her lips to the tawny woman's. Watching the faes kiss brought an intrigued and delighted murr from Alastor, his gaze only leaving the sapphic sight to take in Artorias' reactions. The Aegis was stunned silent, watching with wide eyes and slightly parted lips that let heated breaths escape him as he took in the sight of his fiancée making out with the Elysian alpha. Alastor chuckled again, then let his paw slip down lower to Artorias' groin. That brought the young brute back into reality with expeditiousness, Art gasping and reflexively squirming back into Alastor's hold. Al hadn't quite reached Artorias' most sensitive parts yet, but oh, was he getting close! Black muzzle slid slowly down the side of Art's neck, breathing in his partner's rich male scent with a lecherous purr. "Mmm I'm going to have such fun with you..." he growled against the side of Artorias' throat, jaws parting to nibble at the tender flesh and let his tongue glide over the side of his neck. He could hear Manea patiently seducing Briar, framing the sight of the two brutes getting hot and heavy as an erotic show for the ladies to enjoy. Obsidian eyes glanced up to meet the gazes of the faes, his gaze smoldering with feral, ravenous lust. Oh, Manea wanted Briar to enjoy a show, did she? Well, then he'd give them both a show!

Making sure his eyes remained on both Manea and Briar's, Alastor shot both ladies a lecherous grin and shifted to hook one of his hind legs around Artorias' thigh, spreading the other brute's legs to everything was on display for them. Wrapping one strong foreleg around Art's midsection to hold him steady, Alastor let his free paw rest right on the Aegis' waist, his siam claws tickling the sensitive skin there and making Art squirm back into his hips, making the Genetor groan deep in his throat. "Keep squirming like that, Aegis, and you're gonna make me skip all the foreplay," Al teased with his teeth nipping at Art's throat. Amongst the gasps and whines he got from Artorias, Alastor began to slowly grind his hips into his partner's rump, using the other male's body as he pleased. "Don't look away," he growled into Art's ear, making sure both brutes were watching as Manea began to press forward with Briar, her leonine paw slipping down the Queen's taut stomach. "You're about to see why she's so popular with the ladies."

As Manea began to pleasure Briar, Alastor also finally allowed Artorias to experience real pleasure for the first of many times that night, his large paw finally slipping down between the azure brute's thighs. Artorias' reactions were immediate and delighted Alastor to no end, the dire brute grinding himself more insistently into Artorias' backside while their bodies rocked and writhed together, all the while keeping his searing gaze locked on Manea and Briar with an equally wicked grin as her, loving the sight of his wife having her way with the Hallows' Queen. Together, the two Mendaciums would show their generous hosts all new plethoras of pleasure. Nobody would be ending this night unsatisfied.

- fade -

"Alastor Mendacium"

Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.
