
to deer or not to deer

Tea / Bonus



5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship1KAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
07-02-2022, 03:56 AM
Aryn may have had learned a decent amount of the tracking and stalking part of the hunt, but she was still innocently oblivious to when she was the one in the crosshairs. The unexpected arrival of a lumbering behemoth of a wolf shocked her out of her skin, her fur standing on end and her eyes widening in fear. Thankfully, Aryn was not a screamer. Even in the face of death she was resigned, a deer in headlights, one might say.

And then the monster opened his fanged maw and spoke with the voice of a child, with words that were startlingly disrespectful. The rudeness was enough for her to blink back her sudden shock, to see him as he truly was - not a monster, but a brutish youngling masquerading as the behemoth he might one day become. It was exceedingly frustrating that even while she was capable of determining this, the very sight of his young scowl was enough to bring her tail to tuck.

Clearing her throat, she attempted to infuse her words with the right amount of authority as his clear elder. It was something she should have been adept at, seeing as she'd helped to raise Veigar, but she'd managed to nearly choke on her own saliva before she'd even begun her reply. The resulting words were strained and uneven, and she was forced to direct her eyes sharply back toward the herd to keep away the tears that threatened them. "I'm standing." Aryn attempted an eye roll to punctuate the reply, but halfway through was forced to shut them tight as the motion shook free the pooling liquid. The indignation of being made to feel so intimidated was enough to bring an uncharacteristic bite to her words, though coming from someone so unpracticed, it likely fell as flat in harshness as it did in wit. "I wouldn't expect some kid to know how to hunt anyways."

Word Count: 323
Total Word Count: 1085/2500