
Now the devil won't leave me alone


10-08-2013, 11:12 AM

The lady watched the boy, raising an eyebrow towards him. Though while he did his work and spoke, she did not speak a word. Nor any sound aside from her shuffling body when she got into a uncomfortable position. Really she didn't know what Canttina would think of this, but honestly if she felt like she was letting the girl down, it was as if she never loved her in the first place. What kind of pack threw out family for losing fights, for all their worth, and what they had witnessed. It was probably the hardest thing she could think of to deal with. Ozz let out a slight whimper of pain, what was it with wolves who wanted to heal her. She had already placed herbs on her wounds and cleaned them perfectly fine. She was not stupid, and she was a healer within herself anyway. She didn't understand any of this, and if she really could she'd cry. As her green eyes looked over Tidus. The past was the past, but it didn't stop others from holding grudges. She didn't know who Taurig was, and she had threatened him. Plus wouldn't she be in trouble if she decided to go against amenti? Ozz was honestly scared of the lot of them. In her high position it wasn't exactly a happy note, with her mentality that had slightly been corrupted.
His tongue was soft, but she made no argument towards him. Tidus was a bit rough, but her body only responded with a slight twitch of her back legs. Kai stood to her side, liking her cheek slightly. "Little Dame, what are you going to do?" He whispered as Ozz pulled her ears against the back of her head. She wanted to leave, she wanted to leave amenti and never turn back no matter how much Canttina hated her for it. The lady's green eyes looked at Tidus, Canttina was still someone she loved, but somehow she could feel herself becoming unfaithful. There was someone in Amenti who could take care of Canttina. After all, she had enough followers by now, and she wasn't entirely dumb. Maybe she was with how many times she had hurt herself. Ozz folded her font legs underneath her, and gave a smile towards Tidus. "My name is Ozz, Lady of Amenti. Though I don't know how long that title will be lasting." She whispered in soft tones. She pulled her head forward and set it on the mans shoulder.
"I want my new chapter to start with you then Tidus. I know its a bit sudden, but I don't want to be with them anymore. I'm sick and tired of feeling weak and useless. I thought I belonged with my love Canttina because she accepted me as the one who was contracted with a demon. Now I'm not so sure. Tidus, I know I just met you, but would you be willing to take me on? I'm sure Taurig would let me join....if you helped me. And I honestly don't know what else to do." Ozz's tones were clear. It was a rather loud proposal for mate, but it wasn't like she had taken one for more. Canttina had come out of the blue and she had fallen in love with her expecting some sort of prize out of it. She was a scared wolf, but she was old enough to face her fears if she had to. With Kai to guide her at that, the giant beast wasn't entirely mean since he wasn't entirely real, but yeah. That was about as best as the lady could describe it.

Kai Speech, Ozz Speech,