
My Plans Have Changed (Emergency Meeting)


07-02-2022, 04:58 AM
She was busy sunbathing in the little bit of sun she could get when she heard the alpha calling the pack together. It sounded urgent, but she was enjoying herself so much, she hardly wanted to get up. She did, however, spring up when her mother called for them, too. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to ignore the call, so she jumped to her feet and hurried to meet up with them. With her shorter and smaller stature, she certainly didn't have the stride to catch up fast enough. Her mother and brother were already there and sitting down by the time she caught up, and she huffed and puffed as she moved to sit with them. She shot them a look as if to say "why the hell didn't you wait for me!?" but said nothing and instead, turned her attention to those gathered already. The other woman was here with her pups, but she had yet to actually talk to them...maybe she would after this. After all, she wanted to know if the mushroom girl would let her poke at that mushroom sticking out of her face!