
Hey There, Honey



5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship1KAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
07-02-2022, 05:09 AM
Together the two wolves managed to collect the docile swarm, and though Aryn worried the box was too small for the tiny winged creatures, they seemed pleased enough to remain there as long as their queen was present with them. While they worked, Corbie continue to spoke and Aryn continued to give the woman her rapt attention. "I see, I will have to remember that when we near winter again, would be a shame to let them suffer in the cold beneath my watch." She could imagine the small things huddled together in a bug-ish puddle, vibrating their little wings frantically to try and warm each other, because she'd failed to provide adequate insulation. The mental image itself was enough that Aryn was sure she'd remember to insulate the hive, and as well to refrain from taking too much of their life-sustaining honey when they needed it most.

"It must feel amazing to watch them grow and split off into new homes." She mused with a smile of her own. "Almost like children." So lost in her imaginings was Aryn that she did not even notice the woman's sudden change of tune, nor her embarrassment. Aryn turned back to look at her as she introduced herself, her head shaking slightly against Corbie's apology. "Don't apologize, here I am, nearly squishing you with my lack of attention and still you're taking time out of your day to teach me and to help me to collect them. Some wolves would charge quite a fee for such expertise. My name is Aryn Valentine, I.." A frown crossed her lips, suddenly realizing that she did not want to admit where she lived to this kind woman. What if she'd heard of Recluse and Habari, and assigned their reputation to herself? "I live close by, near the redbud nook." It was not entirely a lie, but still it felt wrong to be less then truthful to Corbie. "It's a pleasure to meet you."