
Let the water roll up on the shore...



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-05-2013, 06:58 PM
It had only been a handful of days since Epiphron had reunited with her family. Once she had been content to stay wrapped up close to her father's side, enjoying the comfort of her siblings, even her adopted ones, curled against her. But she was growing older, and with her maturity came not only a need to meet creatures outside of her lineage, and outside of her pack hierarchy, but wanderlust had begun to creep into her veins. It was a need she had never experienced, and she felt compelled to satisfy its nagging urges. And now was the time to do it, if ever, while she had no real responsibilities, save for the decision of which rank she wanted to train towards.

Since the destruction of Valhalla's old home, Epiphron had been forced to grow up more quickly than she expected. Only a few weeks before, she had been very much a child, shielded from most of the horrors that the world had to offer. How much had changed in such a short time span! The literal demise of her old home had been devastating and eye-opening to Epiphron; she had been forced to travel for days on sore paws, not knowing whether much of her family had perished or survived.

Of course, they had been lucky -- none of the Adravendis had fallen. In many ways, it was unsurprising, due to their persevering nature. But she had still found herself growing almost instantaneously wiser following the event. She was no longer a pup with no worries in the world; she was a valuable member of the Valhalla pack, and while that was a daunting thought, it was also exciting. While many would feel restrained under the pressure, Epiphron found herself thrilled at the prospect of being looked up to.

But she hadn't made her mind of yet as to her fate. It was such an important decision, and one she wasn't going to make on a whim. It would decide what she would do for the pack, and who she would potentially influence. The best way for her to consider the possibilities was when she was away from the company of others. Combined with her wanderlust, her need for solitude had brought her far from her homelands.

Step by step, one red-furred paw after another white one, led the female further away from her family. The land seemed to welcome her with open arms. Overhead she heard the gentle chirping of birds, alerting her of spring's rapid approach. Though the morning air was still frigid, the sun gently shone over the land, melting the last of the snow and bringing the earth to life, as though it had been sleeping soundly for many months. Epiphron felt more alive than ever before, her pace increasing as she found herself further away from home. The sun seemed to follow her, rising in the sky as she ran with graceful fluidity. The sharp wind lashed against her face, refreshing albeit being frigid cold. What a picturesque display of young beauty; she knew it, too, running with her head proudly held on strong shoulders, tail curled above her back even as she ran with such speed. It wasn't long before her pace slowed, as the horizon began to meld with the sea, making it hard to distinguish between the two.

The delta lay before her, one of the larger rivers that ran through the land of Alacritis letting out into the ocean. The scene was truly breathtaking; overhead the gulls sang, though the sky wasn't clear, instead littered with clouds and the occasional glimpse of the sun. Though she was quite cold, the feeling of the salty ocean water was still refreshing against her paws. Gingerly she waded a bit further into the ice-cold water, relishing in the salty waves, though it chilled her to the bone.