



10-08-2013, 01:19 PM

The man would be up to his usual duties early in the morning, and that consisted of tending to his plants, then taking a relaxing bath. It was getting colder due to the changing weather, snow now packed the earth down with its chill. His plants were almost shriveled into nothing, and of course it was frustrating, but this happened every winter, so he was used to it. With a sigh he would turn away from his buds, and the route to the hot springs would take over his mind. He didn't enjoy taking a dip in the lake during the winter, so he made his way to the hot springs every morning where he could be indulged in warmth, and possibly, some company. Paws kissed the snow as he made his way toward the border, and as he came within yards he could hear the howl calling for his presence. Who could it possibly be? With a quick turn he would start moving in the direction it came from, which seemed to be not far from his position.

As he came closer her scent would whisk across his nostrils, and he would inhale it. It was Eris, the female healer who had helped him with Isardis, the ivory king. His lips curled into a snarl, but no noise was released. Why was she here? Was she here to tell him about her kings plan to harm his one true love? No, he wouldn't let them harm Chrysanthe, he would die before he let that happen. "Eris? What are you doing so close to Seracia's borders?" He would ask as he came closer, stopping a few feet away from her. Why was she here?
