
Ten Thousand Ways To Lose




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
07-02-2022, 10:56 PM
Every time Alastor pulled her closer just fed into her. The way his claws ran over her skin, pulled her hips against his, it made her urge for more than felt possible. It was easy to look right at him unlike how she looked at others. Wanting to sometimes shut her feelings out from him but knowing he could read her like a book. She used it to her advantage like she was now. Showing Alastor with some spoken words between them just how deeply she wanted to feel for him. Ways that were blocked by the path of his own life and some of hers too. It would be easy if she could find something to exchange for Alastor, but it could never be that way for her.

Maybe she was young and naive, the way she saw only him like he was the last drink of water on earth. But she saw him this way because of the history they had together. It was obvious maybe to the both of them she was at the end of her rope with thinking she could just move on from him. She didn’t want to move on, but she also felt like she couldn’t live a life without Alastor or someone there in his place which had become impossible for her. She was tired of trying.

Alastor made it easy for her to turn, for just this moment and a few after she could drop the somber emotions that festered under her skin. She could put on a genuine faint smile as he looked at her this way. Sharing their physical desires with Relm knowing just how much Alastor cared for her, she could feel it, she could shut out any of her doubts and worries and ways of life she couldn’t have with him. Relm didn’t say anything as he responded, taking his affectionate kiss as her soft gaze looked back up at him and he told her to show him. She was his, and as much as he couldn’t fully be hers she would live in the moment given to her. She never took their time together for granted, it never felt the same every time. It always felt new and strong and Relm never wanted it to stop.

Wholly surrounded by Alastor, her forelegs squeezed him lightly while she pushed forward to kiss him again, asking him silently to help her find that perfect match with him. Affectionate and eager, she could ask for the pace to change with just a gentle push until she was confident enough in her own strides. Relm’s chest put just enough pressure to suggest he roll on his back but without wanting to disconnect their lips. Her paws finding their place between their chests she flexed her less deadly claws into the thick of his fur before grinding her hips against his. She was always quite the tease, but it was what she loved the most in their times together. Brushing her lower parts over his but not making that final fit could almost send her into a frenzy. Feeling the hard parts of him against the thin and sensitive skin of her stomach made her breath shudder when she pulled her lips away from his for just a few seconds before reaching back up for more. Knowing that she could do this to him, make him feel this way, it gave her more confidence and admiration than he may have known. She loved feeling and seeing this physical part of him, everything driven from her emotional connection to him.

Pausing for just a moment her breath hot because it wasn’t enough for her yet as she kept holding them off. Her muzzle dropped carefully down to his cheek, "Show me something new Alastor." She was daring and dangerous in her tone. She wouldn’t have him caged under her but she didn’t move from where she was on top of him. She wanted to experience everything with Alastor and she knew he would have guidance to lead her into both of their found pleasures again. Still not even fully inside her den she looked at him with a fiery longing to see where he would take her next.
