
Puzzle Piece

Saracyn <3


"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
07-03-2022, 03:04 AM

The quiet space of Saracyn's private alcove was disturbed by the soft sound of shifting bodies on top of the massive bed of plush furs and breathy sighs and gasps. Avacyn pressed closer to him, her long legs wound around Saracyn's neck as he held her by her sides tight to his form. He could feel her hot breath against his lips with every rapid exhale she made, the pair of wolves breathless as they gazed into one another's eyes. Saracyn lost himself in the depths of those obsidian eyes, his paws gripping tighter to his twin as if she might disappear if he dared let go. This embrace was far more intimate than any of the cuddling they had done before, but already Sara knew he'd never be able to go back to the way things were before. Ava peered up at him with half-lidded eyes, her gaze shifting from his own down to his lips, then back up again. Saracyn didn't say a word—he didn't need to. He knew exactly what his sister wanted, because he wanted the same thing. Bringing his muzzle back to hers for what felt like the first and also the hundredth time that night, Saracyn kissed Avacyn with a tender love and passion, losing himself in the whirlwind of wild and new emotions like a wild ride he never wanted to end.

Bright cobalt eyes snapped open with a start as Saracyn awoke in the darkness of his private den. The world was still quiet and dark—nighttime. He blinked his eyes a few times, letting them adjust to the darkness as he stretched out his athletic form across his wide and much too spacious bed. A dream... it had all been a dream. But it had been a dream based on memories. That night he and Avacyn had returned from their chaotic trip around Boreas, worn out yet riding a high of adrenaline and freshly discovered emotions for one another, the twins had stayed up for as long as their bodies would allow them to, cuddling in the privacy of Ava's alcove like they had when they were pups. Kisses and affections were shared until they both crashed from exhaustion, and when they awoke the next day, they had to return to their normal lives. But despite that, their relationship had forever been changed, evolved into something far stronger and more intimate. Saracyn had never felt what he did for Avacyn with any other wolf. He couldn't explain it, and he couldn't give the feelings names, but he liked them. He liked them a lot.

Following that day, the twins had returned to their daily routines. Between their tasks and their parents' ambitions of expanding Elysium to take over the Firefly Lake, the brother and sister had been kept occupied practically from dawn to dusk. Between the hunting efforts he aided and Ava's general managing of everything as she learned to be the next Genetrix, the prince and princess didn't get much time to do things on their own. That made him even more grateful for the day they had shared together. But since then, Ava had infected his every thought, invaded nearly every dream. Even if they couldn't spend time together, she was with him. The thought brought a sigh from the Mendacium lad as he lay in bed, staring into the darkness and willing himself to fall back asleep. While lying there, he heard the soft sound of paws and claws on the stone floor by his door. Peering through the dark, he saw a wolf in his doorway with the unmistakable glow of Avacyn's marking. He glanced at her, wondering if she'd come for more cuddles and kisses, but the next thing he knew, she was moving on, no doubt heading for her own bed. Disappointment wrenched the young wolf's heart, and he resigned himself to closing his eyes and trying to sleep again.

No more than a few minutes had passed before he heard paw steps again, this time coming into his private alcove. Sara kept his eyes closed, but one ear remained perked and alert, listening as his visitor came right up to his bed, then climbed over the furs to cuddle up to him. His nostrils flared, surreptitiously breathing in their smell and finding Avacyn's scent of vanilla and cedar wood. The corners of his lips twitched in a playful smirk, waiting while she carefully lifted his foreleg to tuck herself in against his side. Already Sara felt a million times better, like parts of him that made him whole had come back with her. As soon as she'd settled in with him and began to relax, Sara sprung his trap, wrapping both forelegs tightly around Ava's sides and pulling her body tight to his as he embraced her, curling his neck down to nuzzle over his sister's crown and grace her brows with gentle kisses. "Caught ya," he whispered with a roguish grin, his bushy tail coming up to find her's in the darkness and gently entwine around it, keeping as much of her wrapped up with him as possible.

"Saracyn Mendacium"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.
