Ticket for Two
Hunt prompt
07-03-2022, 03:53 AM
The buck had finished thrashing out his last, though Corbie took care anyway as she moved up to the body not to put herself in reach of the sharp hooved feet. Prey could sometimes surprise you like that, with final convulsive movements well after you thought they were actually dead. But the deer remained still, and she turned her attention to Ignis with a smile. "I appreciate the offer. I may take you up on some of that for travel rations, but otherwise it's yours. I'm travelling light, so I can't take much other than food." She watched curiously as he snapped off one of the buck's antlers, speculating what it could be useful for, for the male. Weapons, maybe - Ignis moved like a fighter.
unless otherwise stated, Corbie's kinkajou companion is with her at all times