
don't go breaking my heart



Expert Fighter (185)

Expert Navigator (225)

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022WealthyOoh La LaBy the skin of my teeth
07-03-2022, 10:05 AM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2022, 10:40 AM by Maverick. Edited 1 time in total.)
The Empress' private suite of chambers was expansive and lavish, boasting all of the fine adornments and decor that he would expect to find in a reigning monarch's personal space. Even then, he was still surprised by some of the things he found in Venom's den. Maverick took a moment to meander the antechamber, soaking in the sights of what would now become his personal space as well. He peered up through the moonroof to the indigo sky overhead, gradually growing lighter as the morning sun rose in the east. Venom was nocturnal, he reminded himself, and as such would have obviously wanted a view of the celestial heavens when she was most active. It was a rare yet fitting feature to her luxurious home. Their luxurious home, he reminded himself for the umpteenth time.

After taking a moment to get himself acclimated to his new surroundings, Venom led him deeper into the quiet privacy of her bedchambers. What Maverick saw when they made their way into the bedroom made him realize just how much Venom had been roughing it with him in his modest little camp. The sleeping chambers decorated simply, yet intimately, with a massive bed of plush furs from all sorts of animals and comfortable looking pillows laden about for the wolves. Candles lined the walls along a ledge, adding to the romantic ambiance of the bedroom. Coming from a few lightweight fur blankets to this felt like the dire brute had gone from rags to riches in the blink of an eye! "Damn, Ven! You must really like roughing it with me if you had all of this at home," he teased her with a lighthearted grin. It still blew his mind to realize just what sort of life he'd unwittingly stepped into by taking this leap of faith with Venom.

As Venom leaned into his side, she informed him that her companion dog would ensure they were not disturbed for any reason for as long as they wanted. An intrigued murr rumbled in the back of Mav's throat as he turned a sly grin of his own back down to the suggestively grinning woman, blue eyes shimmering with lewd understanding. "Is that so?" said Maverick with a husky purr to his voice, bringing his bushy tail up to trace slowly over the back of Venom's thigh while they stood leaned into one another. "Well then, I think we should explore some of the perks of you having me all to yourself all the time now." Gently leaning his athletically-muscled body back into her lithe form, Mav leaned his muzzle down to brush along her cheek and up to her ear, gingerly nipping at the delicate appendage and catching her soft pliable flesh between careful teeth. He gave a low, lustful growl, truly reveling in the notion that he would get to be this way with Venom all the time now. This was what his life would be like. It made his pulse race, a spike of heat lancing through his core. Oh yeah, he could get used to this life.

Separating himself from Venom with a parting lick to roll his tongue along the edge of her ear, Maverick sauntered into the bedchambers, looking about the cozy room as he climbed atop the pile of fur bedding. Even just walking across it he could feel the softness and plushness of the furs beneath his paw pads. Venom had spared no expense, and why not? After all, most of her daylight hours were likely spent in here, so why not be comfortable while lounging and waiting for nightfall? As he walked, Maverick glanced back at Venom and shot her a roguish grin and a wink, adding an overly exaggerated sway to his hips like he was some courtesan trying to seduce a client. Even now, with the prospect of getting laid right before him, he still wanted to make Venom smile and laugh whenever he could take the opportunity. "And how would my gorgeous Empress like her prince consort first? On his back so she can claim him as hers? Or on hers, so her scruffy ruffian can love her senseless?" He turned to face her again, a wide and wanton grin on his face, eyes shining with adoration for her, eager to play with her in any and every way conceivable.


As his mate, Venom may enter his threads not marked as Private.