
Darling Don't Forget


10-08-2013, 02:52 PM

Dull eyes stared at the man as he spoke. Ears twitched the more his words came to her, brows furrowing slightly as she looked at the ground. This man, her mate? She flipped the words over in her mind, carefully dissecting them within the confines of her skull. So much emotion had been put into the mans words, and Thane...the name would seem familiar, though she couldn't remember coming across a Thane after the accident. But the name...she had heard it many times whispered in her dreams. She looked up at him, this time forcing her tired and exhausted body to stand. She would lean her head closer to his face, searching his eyes and searching his face. With each passing moment, her mind would churn itself into the distant memories that seemed to be locked away in the deepest darkest parts of her forgotten memories. She had seen him in her dreams...but now she wondered if those were even dreams, perhaps it had been the life she had before she forgot. Something pushed her, prodded her to remember. Dull green eyes would slowly lose the dull looking shield that screened them for months, turning into a little more of her pretty green with each passing minute. She felt like she knew him, and according to Thane they were mates. So she did know him.

Tentatively, she would move a little closer and press her head into his chest. If he was her mate, then this was okay right? Tears would slide quietly down her face, parting the dirty fur and making a line of black streams like the markings of a cheetah. And then her voice would come as nothing but a whisper, "Thane...I have dreamed about you for many nights. If what you say is true, then I've no reason to be afraid or doubt you. Your words must be truth, and I don't doubt them especially if you have been in my dreams." Ookami would begin to cry. She cried for the memories that she couldn't quite fully remember, cried for having been lost so long and feeling so along, but it was over now that she was back with the man that stalked her dreams. In a seemed as if he had guided her home. The thought hit like a ton of bricks, he brought her home. She pressed herself closer to his chest, this time her small body following suit to curl up in a sitting position as she pressed her head into his neck. "Thane brought me home. You guided me all this time.."