
Agni Kai

The Final Showdown



7 Years
Dire wolf
07-03-2022, 08:08 PM

Oxx watched as his sweet little brother crept along through the smoke. The black and blue brutes stench wafted up to him on the breeze so he knew that it was him. No matter how quietly one tried to move, it was difficult to avoid making any sound on suck rocky terrain. There were little pebbles everywhere and even the slightest brush made little scuffling sounds now that the fire was no longer crackling. The slate and snow giant enjoyed watching the show from his perch up above. Who would even think of coming up here? Was there even a reason to look up? From below, there was no path to get to Oxx's little shelf, but from above... Well, he'd had to do a bit of sliding to get there.

Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Oxx watched and waited until his baby brother was just on the other side of the fire and he pounced. The hulking brute dropped from the ledge, landing flat on all fours. He used the downward momentum to bunch his muscles and spring forward, effectively mounting the black and blue brute. Serrated teeth quickly bit into the back of Artorias' neck, drawing blood and threatening to go deeper. Yes, he had noted the blade. It looked familiar, but he didn't care enough to remember why. One big claw hooked on the hilt and slid the sword agonizingly slow from its scabbard. He flung the sword away from them both, though it was still very much in sight.

"Round two?" He growled out, his mouth still very full of fur and flesh. Being the perverted monster that he was, Oxx could get quite aroused on command. The lecherous beast ground himself against the rump of the brute beneath him, a threat of what was to come. This was all so easy. Too easy. At least he'd get something good out of the deal. Oxx pulled on the mouthful of flesh, tasting blood in his maw. He stretched the younger wolf's neck back just to be an asshole. If Artorias tried to pull away, his ruff would be shredded. Much better for the little boy to play along.

"Oxx Carpathius"

Oxx is insanely mature and is prone to
sexual acts
and degradation of women.
Please don't read his threads.