
a new place to get a lil bruised



Intermediate Fighter (50)

Advanced Navigator (85)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
07-03-2022, 10:44 PM
Makara never dwelled on her rank. In fact, the fact that Azure was her father rarely even crossed her mind, aside from the general feelings she had about him: he was grumpy and far removed from her daily life until he came around and made her feel guilty for not trying hard enough. And how did that work!? What right did he have? Probably had something to do with him being her parent, maybe. Plus, it was rare she encountered anyone she hadn't known since birth. Her allergies were so severe in their original lands that it had kept her mostly confined to the territories. Here in the north - well! It was a whole new game! Now she could scamper around freely without worries of itchy, bleeding feet or a runny nose (except when it got cold and her nose ran, of course).

She chipped away further and further at her stick. Although the work was simple, it was hard. It wasn't long before her jaw began to ache. Each stick was thick enough, about the width of her forelegs. "Mmm, yeah. I kind of hated where we lived before. My feet swell up in the grass, get real itchy... here I don't even have to wear my paw coverings! Except when the snow gets real bad, then they kind of come in handy for keeping stuff out from between my toes," she stuck a paw out and wriggled all of her toes. It was rare to see her feet not swollen and red. "This place is LEAGUES better! Best thing to ever, ever happen in my entire life!" she chirped. The talking break was what she needed for her jaw to feel a little bit better. "Oh oh oh yeah! Maybe dig a pit, hide these at the bottom... but I'd hate for someone to y'know, accidentally fall in. That would be bad.' Whittle, whittle, whittle. Ugh, this was going to take forever.