
outside of bounds

4x predator fight, armada or other



Expert Fighter (200)

Expert Hunter (120)

4 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

07-04-2022, 02:12 AM
He was intimately familiar with the North. He'd lived up here his whole short life, keenly aware of both the danger and beauty it held. The Ancoran blood that ran through him seemed to mostly keep him in these parts, and honestly, there was nowhere else he'd rather be. He had heard of the stories from his father. Stories about his grandmother, great-grandfather, and so on. Dragon had been the one to break the Northern cycle at one point, but no matter what, it appeared that most Ancora's always came back. And that was the case with him. He'd been in the Armada for a short time now, but he still liked to go out and check things out or hunt every now and then when he didn't have work to do in the pack.

Today was no different. Only as he neared the frozen lake, he heard the distant sound of a Walrus, and he knew they could be dangerous if you weren't careful. This one sounded like it was injured, and he knew well enough that an injured animal could be unpredictable. Especially one that was desperate to stay alive. Still, he was curious to see the extent of the beast's injuries. The blubber they had could be used for oils and other things, and he had always wanted to get his paws on a pair of tusks. As the earthen male drew closer, he spotted something else getting closer to the walrus. Whoever it was, he didn't recognize, but the walrus wasn't happy about the company.

It turned on the red-streaked wolf, and Grimoire took his chance. He raced in, large paws drumming the ground in practiced silence. It wasn't until he got close enough for a bite that a snarl left his lips and his teeth bit and dragged into the walrus' tail, earning him a cry of rage before he bounced back.