Material collecting
07-04-2022, 08:15 AM
Corbie nodded to Ignis' question initial question. "I think most anything that isn't rotted away would be useful for something, even if it's just for trade goods. There's probably someone out there somewhere who has some use for the odder stuff. I'm a bit too far from here to take much more than I have an immediate use for though, even with a travois." He'd offered to help her carry things back, but all she really wanted to bring was the two rolls of wire, and she could manage that well enough. "I'll be ok - I'm probably just going to grab the two rolls of metal rope for enclosures. It'd be a good idea to grab anything you might want now though, because now that it's open I'm sure plenty of other scavengers are going to be combing through here." Suiting action to her words, she poked through the trove looking for other smaller items she might want. She surfaced with some thin green wire. Though she couldn't possibly know that it was trip wire that some long ago humans had used, it wasn't hard to think of many hunting uses for the big spool of it between making snares and fastening things together.
unless otherwise stated, Corbie's kinkajou companion is with her at all times