
they left without me

They do this every year!



Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
07-04-2022, 03:51 PM

Kotori needed more members for his upcoming pack.  He wouldn’t show it but the horned wolf was still eagerly excited that he was doing this.  He hadn’t wanted to be a lower-ranked member of the pack.  Reaper or General had sounded better but, would that have been enough?  Kotori wanted to lead.  He wanted it to be his rules and his way in everything.  He was going to be in the position he was meant to be in!  Surely his pack would become great.  The main flaw in his plan so far was the princess he wanted wasn’t obtainable.  He needed a mate to give him those perfect children.  Not just anyone would do, he wanted a bloodline that would mix well with his own for exceptional stock.

His pack was growing in numbers quickly thanks to meeting up with Asla and Indigo.  How long until he’d need more land?  There was so much he needed to do! Kotori had stopped at the hot springs as a storm picked up, finding a spot of rock jutted out so that a bit less of the storm reached him.  Still, it had been a nasty enough storm Kotori’s left side that had faced the entrance was soaked with a few twigs and bits of gravel stuck to it.  

He had waited it out until the worst of the storm had passed, the wind still whipping the air in fury and rain still falling but safer now all the same.  Kotori headed to the grass plains, slowing for a second as he picked up faint scents, muted from the storm but the hunter still picked up with the careful observation he gave to things.  One of his nieces and Ardyn.  Yes, he remembered the wolf who had taken away a curiosity Kotori had been interested in.  In this weather of all places?

Kotori continued forward until he saw Ardyn with the unconscious girl, a quickly made cover from the rain over her.  Who had created the hide and who’s cloak was it?  One had set things up and the other used it.  Friend or enemy?  Kotori strode forward, eyeing Calypso to see her condition before eyes turned to Ardyn.  “What’s going on?” It was a question but there was a warning edge in the tone.  If Kotori decided she’d set this up and then he’d knocked her out for some reason the pooled water around them would soon run red.  Ardyn hadn’t seemed the type last round to hurt a stranger but Kotori wasn’t taking any chances.  Besides, he was still irked about the guy stealing from him earlier, at least that’s how Kotori saw it.  He was not taking Kotori’s niece as well.

"Kotori Fatalis"
[Image: HMmbDEu.png]