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"Helen of Koi"


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6 Years

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Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
07-04-2022, 06:54 PM

What? Lies and slander. If there was anyone half as pretty as Hanako then she'd never met 'em, not even caught a whiff. Maybe there were more kois roaming around these parts, but Hanako was quick to shoo away her claim as lies. Just another jab that was supposed to slip between her ribs, hit her where it hurt. Well tough! Hanako didn't want to believe it, refused to.

"I knew it!" She yelled as she raised an accusatory paw, her voice loud enough for the whole Range to hear. Or at least if there'd be anyone around to listen in. "You always said the right things...but they were just things. Pirates. You- you just want what you don't have, then what?" She wasn't even sure what she was reaching for, what she even wanted. An apology wouldn't be enough, she held grudges. It was simply in her nature and...if Sparrow was looking for someone good then it wasn't to be found around these parts. Not with her.

She puffed out a breath again, ears flicking back as though to pin against her skull, but only to swerve forward as Sparrow spoke again. Words she probably shouldn't listen to or take heed. And yet like a shark Hanako sensed weakness, the way she couldn't look at down at her properly, like the self-proclaimed king wanted to take a step back.

"I don't know what you expected of me either." She huffed, intent on pushing back. In getting something out of this, no matter how trite. And then she had to go and bring up Azure, cause of course. He wasn't all of those things. Barely half and yet she still stayed, had no reason to leave, really. "I didn't do anything wrong. Stop trying to make me the villain and you the victim." When in doubt ignore, side step like she was doing the Rumba. Instead, she reached forward with her lingering paw, aiming to jab her in the stomach. To drive her words home.

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