
they left without me

They do this every year!



Expert Fighter (160)

Expert Intellectual (140)

5 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

By the skin of my teethPride - Demisexual1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
07-04-2022, 08:39 PM (This post was last modified: 07-04-2022, 08:40 PM by Tel'Teukiira. Edited 1 time in total.)
She had followed along with Ardyn, though somewhere along the way, she had fallen a bit behind during the raging storm. Her pelt was half soaked but the cloak she borrowed from the packs stores did a decent job at keeping most of her dry. She had it pulled over her head in an attempt to keep the driving rain from her face as she pressed on. With Ardyn's darker pelt against the surroundings, she had a difficult time in seeing which direction he had gone, but considering they were on their way to Abaven, she headed in that direction. She knew where their lands were at least, so she was likely to catch up at any moment.

The glow of her pelt was as bright as it could be, like a beacon guiding the way. That at least helped her to see the path she was on. It took a matter of minutes before she caught sight of Ardyn's burning pelt, but as she drew closer, she noticed he was hunched over something and there were two others that she didn't recognize at all. What was going on? Had he found something? Were the other two threatening him? She wasn't close enough yet to know, so she hurried her pace until she was close enough to see what was going on.

Someone was in distress. Ardyn and another male both worked to try and get her conscious, though she couldn't help but feel a little tense with the two strangers. Still, if something ended up going down, at least Ardyn wouldn't have to face them alone. "Ardyn! What's happened?" she asked cautiously. Her eye turned to the brown wolf. Did he have something to do with this? He was just kinda standing there, so she assumed so but...she'd wait for an answer from Ardyn first. And if her alpha requested her help, she'd oblige. But for the moment, she wouldn't get in the way until asked by him.

Ooc// short phone post is short.