
they left without me

They do this every year!



1 Year
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
07-04-2022, 09:14 PM (This post was last modified: 07-04-2022, 09:21 PM by Calypso. Edited 1 time in total.)

Calypso was roused from the depths of unconsciousness to much more action than she'd anticipated. She had been alone, battered by unforgiving winds and rain, and quickly coming to accept that she'd likely be pulled beneath the ocean before she found refuge. Everything had gone black, she could not determine how much time had passed, and then there were voices. More than voices, someone was vigorously rubbing her, and then gently manipulating her, bringing even more stinging pain to the surface of her skin. Was that why she was so sore? Was she being eaten by a scavenger? It was not as painful a feeling as she'd expected it would be. The world around her was quickly coming back into focus, and suddenly an uncontrollable urge to cough came over her. Her chest heaved with the effort, sea water spluttering out from her maw and onto the ground on which she lay.

The instinct to protect herself warred with the utter exhaustion of her bruised body, and the only bit of self-defense she could manage was the lazy parting of her eyelids, watching wearily the strangers who had surrounded her. One stranger in particular was closest, the one who had been manipulating her body and bringing a resurgence of pain to her skin. Even with an addled mind however, Calypso could recognize the touch of a healer. Pain now to prevent pain later. Absently, she wondered how bad it was to have drawn the attention of so many.

Finding it easy to categorize and trust the monochromatic woman who had the hands of a medic, Callie's gaze drew settled next on the brightest of the canines behind, flickering back and forth between the vaguely celestial looking woman and her deep onyx companion. Both individuals wore a unique glow, one reminiscent of fire where the wind caught at his pelt, and the other seemingly wearing stars that she'd harvested from the night sky. She blinked rapidly, half expecting them to fade away any moment.

They were not the only wolves around her, and Callie's gaze shifted to regard the next, a man more conventional looking (by Boreas' standards) with a deep charcoal coat, a rich azure underbelly, and burning orange eyes. Hugged tight to his athletic frame was what looked to be a weapon of some sort, a sight that managed to speed the slow, steady rhythm of glow upon her markings. To his side was a fourth individual, and one who she could no longer claim as a stranger now that clarity was beginning to slowly return. Her uncle, the brother of her father, likely sent to the plains to recover Azure's useless, waterlogged loser of a child.

Had she more energy to argue or explain, she might have tried to send Kotori back empty handed, requested he simply leave her here to die of embarrassment alone. The last thing she needed was to face the disappointment in her father's eyes when he would hear that not even Abaven could handle the disaster that was Calypso Fatalis. She had missed the bits of conversation and question that had been posed over her unconscious body, but surely her uncle at the very least would want to know how she'd arrived here.

Lifting her head slightly off the ground, she attempted to explain. "Abaven is gone." She managed, her throat raw from the water she had inhaled before the storm had passed. The words were directed mostly at Kotori, though her gaze was everywhere but. Who were these strangers, and what were they all doing on Armada's land? A violent shudder ran down along her spine, and her head fell back upon the sandy ground, her strained muscles refusing to hold it upright any longer. Gods, nothing could be as embarrassing, painful and confusing as this moment. "I don't want to go home anymore, Uncle." The yearling whimpered.


While she is underage, Azure, Hanako and Sirius can crash her threads whenever they see fit regardless of tag.

Calypso has grizzly bear claws upon her forepaws, bone spurs on her shoulder blades, and saber-teeth. These may not be visible on her art.
Wherever color appears along Calypso's pelt, the fur there pulses and glows to the beat of her heart. The effect is noticeable, but not at all blinding.