
Eyes of steel



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
07-04-2022, 10:45 PM (This post was last modified: 07-04-2022, 10:45 PM by Mercury. Edited 1 time in total.)
“Feels good” he said, shifting his paws to get a feel for his range of motion. A little stiff, but that was to be expected with trying on armor for the first time. The weight would take some getting used to, as well. “I’ll keep that in mind” he said in regards to Artorias. So he was the expert at swords, was he? Just maybe it would be worth it for Merc to seek him out at some point.

“Did you say castle?” Mercury asked, eyes darting back to her in surprise. He definitely needed to check that out some time. She passed him a wooden sword then, and he obligingly picked it up in his maw. Feeling the weight of it, and giving it a few experimental swings. A bit strange, but pretty fun, too!

“Got it” he said a little awkwardly around the hilt as she explained the proper grip. “Now do I just.. Smack you with it?” he teased. When she explained some of the basics of actually fighting with it, he nodded his head and they began. They traded a few blows, and he got accustomed to the feel of the weight as they clashed. He was enjoying himself!

Eyes bright, they started a match in earnest. He charged in, aiming to smack his practice blade into her neck by ducking his head to the side as he approached. She deflected the blow easily, swinging her own head to the side so it collided with his own. unaccustomed to the sudden jerking of the practice blade in his mouth, he dropped it to the ground by mistake. “Alright, alright, match to you” He laughed. Not at all phased with losing. This was all a learning experience for him, and he was having fun.

WC: 312
Total: 1528

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