
Fenmyre Expansion-Fighting



Advanced Fighter (60)

Advanced Intellectual (85)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Bisexual
07-05-2022, 02:17 AM
In a furious flurry of fangs and claws, Revenant savaged the bear to the best of his abilities, the pup gone homicidal in his quest to seek vengeance on the bear that had hurt his brother. While Chimera checked on Morendo, he and Strix kept the predator occupied, Revenant by brute force and Strix with agile irritation. Once Chimera had rushed back into the fight, tearing away at the bear's face with wicked sharp fangs, Revenant backed away to give his sire enough room to go berserk, knowing when to get involved and when to stand aside. After a few more minutes of being eviscerated by the wolves, the bear bellowed in fright and ran off. The Kleins gave chase, pursuing it all the way to the borders of the cedar forest. Revenant followed with singleminded determination, still hellbent on killing the bear that had hurt his brother—but as he went to keep running past the border, Chimera's brusque order to let it go stopped him dead in his tracks. Narrowed multi-toned eyes watched the bear flee, snarling after it all the while. A part of him felt compelled to run the animal down, to have his bloody revenge, but he didn't dare outright disobey his father.

Left pacing and snarling at the border, Revenant only began to settle down again when the bear was gone from their sight, the usually composed Klein prince regaining some of his impassive cocky countenance as he smoothed down his bristled fur. Chimera addressed the boys then, stating he was proud of them and bringing a crooked smile to Revenant's face as he returned his sire's gentle headbutt. As the family went to return to their island home, Rev followed alongside Morendo, keeping an eye on his brother to make sure he hadn't been injured by the bear. Sure, he may have thought his brother was a bit of a sissy and obnoxious, but that didn't mean he wanted him hurt either. Besides, their mother would give all four males hell if she found out any of them had been harmed, and that was one scolding he really wanted to avoid.
