
All In All It's Just Another Brick In the Wall

Ruga Wall Building



6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
07-05-2022, 01:36 AM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2022, 05:06 PM by Ruga. Edited 1 time in total.)

He had no idea how she would respond to his offer of helping her forget her troubles for a time, especially considering how their day together had started and the gravity of what she had admitted to him. She very well could have been offended by the offer and walked away and he wouldn't have blamed her, but luckily it seemed like she had felt the connection that he had as well and when he made the suggestion because she agreed fairly easily and that glint that had been in her sapphire gaze before had returned. Her words made a sly grin pull across his muzzle, but before he could respond she stood and moved over to him, surprising him by clasping his face between her paws and pulling him down into a passionate kiss. A pleased, surprised hum escaped him as he quickly melted into the sudden affection and returned her kiss, his lips pressing hard to hers and that familiar heat and clench of desire in his core rose to the surface. He only tasted her mouth and was surrounded by her scent for just a moment before she pulled away again and his sea foam eyes blinked open to watch her move over to the mound of furs that awaited them.

A toothy grin crossed his lips as he eagerly got up to join her and he quickly jumped up beside her, hooking a foreleg around her waist and playfully knocking her down into the furs, turning her onto her back so that she was laying under him and he could look down into those stunning sapphire eyes. He was never shy about his flirting or advance to pretty much any beautiful female that would allow it, but with Keahi it had been different and somehow that made him even more ravenous for her than he would have been otherwise. The cat and mouse game he usually played was fun, but getting to know someone the way he had gotten to know Keahi in their brief amount of time together felt different in the best way he could have imagined. "Forget the wall..." he rumbled low in his chest with a chuckle before leaning down to press his lips to hers in another heated kiss. He settled down over top of her so that every inch of their chests and stomachs were pressed together while he got another taste of her mouth. One foreleg remained tight around her waist, keeping her held firmly against him, while his other paw slipped behind her head to hold her to him, making out with her with an eager hunger that he hadn't gotten a chance to satisfy in quite some time.

He didn't let their lips part until he was breathless and even more enamored by this spitfire of a woman, grinning down at her with desire burning hot in his gaze. Slowly, he started to acquaint himself with her body as he worked his way down her neck, chest, and stomach, scattering all kinds of affections along her russet furred form. He took his time, savoring this chance to have her like this just in case it was the only time he got to have this. His kisses and nibbles graced her skin all along her torso, his teeth gently catching her fur and teasing her skin as he worked his way over every inch of her. "You're absolutely stunning," he rumbled again against the inner portion of her thigh, looking up along her body at her with a sly grin, leaving another kiss there before starting a trail of kisses to even more intimate and sensitive places, learning all of her and what she liked as he enjoyed their time together and pulled out every trick in the book to remind her why there was even more reasons to keep living than just to honor her fallen compatriots.

"Ruga Amanto"