and then everything changed
07-05-2022, 02:09 AM
The girl seemed flustered at Corbie's appearance, and her question. She hesitated, then gave an answer that felt false, though Corbie couldn't quite decide why. She banished the concerned frown that started to form, though. If she wasn't comfortable telling her what was really wrong, Corbie wasn't going to push. Besides, being hungry she could help with. "I'm Corbie. It is a pleasure to meet you too, Fable. I could help you hunt something bigger than small game if you're hungry," she offered. A full stomach would make other problems less daunting, and concentrating on a hunt might get the girl's mind off whatever was bothering her. Corbie could at least help with that much.
unless otherwise stated, Corbie's kinkajou companion is with her at all times