
Let the water roll up on the shore...


03-05-2013, 08:17 PM
The brute had been traveling for days and he did not exactly know where he was going. But the wolf did know that he had stumbled on a great land. In all of his travels after his release his cobalt blue gaze had not seen another wolf, or a wild one perhaps. Well he was a wild wolf in a way, born wild is how he was linked to it. But after spending some time in the zoo as a pup he had used to think the cages had kept him safe. But the true lie behind that was that they were used as something for the other humans to just look at. The old wolf was right, that was no way to live. He recalled the elder's story of how he had been in the zoo.

Born into the zoo forever longing to be a wild and free wolf. It was only when the old wolf had died were his last words directed at his young friend. Scipio had promised him to do whatever the wolf hadn't been able to do in the wild. Then and there the brute recalled his name, the old wold had been called Saber. Oh how he missed his old friend.

Scipio sighed as he continued walking through the forest. How many of his kind were left, surely his golden fur was a sign that he was different. But no matters, no reason to judge for he did not judge others. The male shook out his fur and the orange tag on his left ear flopped as he did so.

"S42..." he murmured to himself.

That sequence was his identity as a pup and until his release. But Jenny had never called him that. The brute stood still and smiled at what she had called him Liber which meant free in Roman; and now here he was a free wolf. But without her he would be dead with his parents. Here Scipio was, as healthy as a horse with his brother Tucker out there somewhere.He wondered if some would mistake his brother for him, but both of the brothers shared their handsome looks.

As he kept on walking a salty smell hit his nose, he was close to a body of water that seemed to integrate with the ocean. The golden boy smiled and started to run towards the scent. The brute then halted abruptly as he noticed another wolf in the water. Scipio tilted his head in curiosity as his cobalt blue gaze landed on the other wolf. This was the first wild wolf he had seen in a while. Was it hostile, friendly, he did not know. Oh how he had been so deprived of what a normal wolf should have had. Just a normal life.

So the brute stepped out of the forest into the open and introduced himself.

"Hello,my name is Scipio" he said with a friendly smile.