
Help! Somebody… anybody

AW, Recruitment?



Intermediate Fighter (50)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
07-05-2022, 06:38 PM
Haiku was lost, he still hadn’t gotten over the loss of his father, he hadn’t made amends with his mother, he had failed Abaven by being gone for so long. Now it was too late. There was no more Abaven to protect, to try and build, to make amends to. The last was what haunted him the most. He tried to tell himself and remind himself of every moment he had spent in the Hallows instead. The days he’d given to sweet Bowen, and helping her as much as he could… Haiku couldn’t let himself believe anything else or his heart would well and truly break. Saying goodbye to Bowen was even more difficult knowing what he had given in exchange.

He beat himself up, he sought solitude and avoided what wolves remained here in the old Abaven lands. Haiku wasn’t about to abandon his father again. He lay by his fire, warding off the last of winter’s chill when he heard his brother’s voice. If he hadn’t called out his name Haiku might not have come. He couldn’t bear to see anyone, especially not his twin. The desperation called him forward though, and Haiku answered the desperate call.

Haiku wasn’t quite fast enough though, there was another man offering his assistance as Haiku’s mismatched paws carried him to his brother’s side. Quietly, Haiku lowered himself to the ground beside his twin. One big paw was placed over his brother’s but no words fell from his lips. There was nothing he could say.

I have a white raven companion named Prose if she isn't mentioned assume she is nearby